Germany bans activities of Hamas and pro-Palestinian group Samidoun News
Steffen Prößdorf, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Germany bans activities of Hamas and pro-Palestinian group Samidoun

The German Federal Ministry of the Interior announced a ban on the Palestinian group Hamas and the pro-Palestinian organization Samidoun on Thursday.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said in a statement that both Hamas and Samidoun spread anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda under the guise of supporting Palestinian liberation. She said Hamas, already designated a terrorist group in Germany, is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and uses violence and terrorism. German authorities estimate Hamas has 450 supporters nationally, some holding citizenship, though the true number remains unclear. As for Samidoun, the minister accused it of using the guise of Palestine solidarity to spread anti-Jewish conspiracy theories and justify terrorism. Faeser stated that anti-Semitism has no place in Germany and these groups cross legal boundaries.

The ban prohibits any presence or actions taken by Hamas and Samidoun on German soil, including financial support. Faeser said the order immediately dissolves Samidoun’s domestic chapter, called ‘Samidoun Deutschland’ as well as affiliated youth organizations operating under different names. Violators will face criminal prosecution under the law. Faeser stressed racism has no place in German society and the government is committed to uprooting extremist threats through constitutional means.

Samidoun representatives criticized the move as an unjust suppression of Palestine advocacy. The organization responded with statements criticizing the “racist smear campaign” against Palestinian youth in Germany. It claims the group merely supports Palestinians facing “genocidal” violence from Israel.

The European Jewish Congress welcomed the decision, calling on other countries to follow suit.