bt_real / Pixabay

China escalated its regulations on drone exports Monday when the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced a new policy aimed at controlling the export of specific drone components and technologies. The policy will officially take effect on September 1, 2023. The new regulations will target the export of specific drone engines, payloads, radio communication devices and [...]


The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) imposed sanctions Sunday on Niger’s coup leaders and called for the reinstatement of ousted President Mohammed Bazoum. The association of West African nations also threatened to use force against the junta if the democratically elected president is not reinstated in a week’s time. This came hours after [...]

Mykola Swarnyk, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The UK Government announced Monday that it has sanctioned six people involved in Russia’s sentencing of dual British-Russian national Vladimir Kara-Murza after his appeal was rejected. The government sanctioned three judges, two prosecutors and an “expert witness” over what it has called “politically motivated targeting.” Those sanctioned include: Moscow City Court Judges Vitaly Alexsandrovich Belitsky and [...]

akitada31 / Pixabay

The US President’s Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB) released a report Monday in support of the reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) while also recommending restrictions to prevent abuse. Section 702 is a controversial provision of FISA that allows for “the targeting of persons reasonably believed to be located outside the [...]

Pixelkult / Pixabay

Senegal suspended mobile internet access on Monday after the arrest of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko and a period of civil unrest. NetBlocks, an independent monitor of global internet freedom, mapped the restriction using data from Google. The data showed a sharp decrease in Senegalese internet traffic on Monday morning. Communications Minister Moussa Bocar Thiam said [...]


Law students and law graduates in Pakistan are reporting for JURIST on events in that country impacting its legal system. Izhar Ahmed Khan is a 2022 LL.B. graduate of the Pakistan College of Law (University of London International Program). He files this from Lahore.  The recent monsoon rains in Pakistan have proved fatal to the [...]


Peruvian law students from the Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco are reporting for JURIST on law-related events in and affecting Perú. All of them are from CIED (Centro de Investigación de los Estudiantes de Derecho), a research center in UNSAAC’s faculty of law dedicated to spreading legal information and [...]


The Supreme Court of Zimbabwe ruled Friday that former minister Savior Kasukuwere is disqualified from running as a presidential candidate in the country’s August elections. Lovedale Mangwana, litigant for the nation’s ruling political party Zanu-PFF, contended that Kasukuwere was outside of Zimbabwe for the past 18 months and was ineligible to be on the ballot [...]

© WikiMedia (Jebulon)

The Danish government announced Sunday that they are exploring legal means of intervening in the recent Quran burning protests. In the statement, the Danish government clarified that the government has played no role in these protests and further  reiterated that the burning of the Quran is provocative and insulting to other countries, cultures and religions. [...]


Amnesty International called on Friday for the government of Bangladesh to indefinitely halt executions and to begin discussions about abolishing the death sentence. The organization stated that the government should evaluate the cases of individuals sentenced to death and commute their sentences. Alternatively, it was suggested that the government should provide a fair retrial without [...]