The Indian federal government ordered the Chief Minister of Manipur N. Biren Singh to restore peace amidst ongoing ethnic violence which has continued for close to 50 days, despite a heavy security presence in the state. Singh said that Union Home Minister of India “Amit Shah Ji advised us to strengthen our work towards achieving [...]
A Serbian court near the Kosovo border ordered the release of three Kosovo police officers on Monday who were detained earlier this month. Prosecutors in the Serbian city of Kraljevo, just over one hundred kilometers north of the Kosovo border, indicted the officers for trafficking explosive weapons into Serbia. The High Court of Kraljevo released [...]
A man was stoned to death Monday in northwest Nigeria after being accused of blasphemy, raising concerns about escalating threats to religious freedom in the region. Local authorities confirmed the incident with a statement on Sunday, saying: On 25th June 2023 at about 0955hrs, a distress call was received at about 0920hrs that one Usman [...]
Activists in Nigeria on Wednesday reported that a new oil spill occurred in Rivers State and is actively threatening the region’s water supply. The leak has been contained, but activists remain concerned over the perceived inaction by Nigerian authorities to address previous spills and ongoing pollution problems. According to the National Oil Spill Detection and [...]
The US Supreme Court declined Monday to hear a case asking whether a North Carolina charter school mandating girls wear skirts should be held to the same standard as public schools, which does not permit such a practice. The case, Charter Day School, Inc. v. Peltier centers around a question of civil rights laws as [...]
Anderson Lee Aldrich, the gunman who killed five during an attack on an LGBTQIA+ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado, pleaded guilty in court Monday to five counts of murder, 46 counts of attempted murder and no contest to two bias-motivated crimes. Aldrich was sentenced to 5 terms of life in prison without the possibility of [...]
The ruling political party in El Salvador, Nuevas Ideas (NI), tweeted on Monday that President Nayib Bukele will seek a second term. The tweet stated, “Nuevas Ideas are invincible” as “the largest party in the history of El Salvador,” but the announcement sets up a possible constitutional conflict. El Salvador’s Constitution limits the president’s term [...]
The Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) released partial election results Monday from the country’s national elections on Saturday. The results tallied a large lead by incumbent President Julius Maada Bio over his main challenger, Dr. Samura Kamara. Multiple election observers expressed concerns on Sunday about the integrity of Sierra Leone’s national elections. The Carter [...]
The US Supreme Court removed a stay Monday in Ardoin v. Robinson, unblocking a lower court order requiring Louisiana to redraw its congressional map to include a second majority-Black district. Louisiana had been accused of allegedly “packing” the majority of the state’s Black voters into one congressional district. The removal was included in Monday’s order [...]
Thalia Clerveau is a 3L at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. She files this dispatch from Accra. This is the first in a seasonal series of columns by JURIST law student staff and correspondents discussing their summer work in support of justice, human rights and the rule of law, in their own countries [...]