Texas man sentenced for theatening to assassinate US lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez News
Texas man sentenced for theatening to assassinate US lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

A man from Texas was sentenced on Wednesday for charges related to an assassination threat he made against US lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, as well as to his participation in the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the US Capitol.

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Miller was sentenced to 38 months in prison on charges including assaulting a police officer, threatening to injure or kidnap, and disorderly conduct within the Capitol. Miller, a 36-year-old man from Texas, pled guilty to the charges in December.

On January 6, 2021, Miller breached the Capitol armed with rope, a hard hat, and a grappling hook, according to case materials. Miller was involved in multiple entryway breaches into the Capitol building and had to be detained multiple times. Miller eventually entered the Rotunda, forcing his way past officers of the US Capitol Police (USCP). When the USCP tried to remove the rioters from the Capitol, Miller refused, assaulting a Maryland Police Department Sergeant and fighting six more officers. 

Prior to the insurrection, Miller was active on social media and declared his excitement to fight. He threatened a variety of people, ranging from Senator Chuck Schumer to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. After leaving the Capitol on January 6, Miller replied to US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s on Twitter and expressed his desire to “Assassinate AOC.” Miller continued to express desires to assassinate members of Congress and USCP officers until his arrest. 

Nearly 1,000 people nationwide have been arrested for crimes stemming from the January 6 insurrection. The FBI continues to investigate the insurrection and the DOJ’s prosecution of involved individuals is ongoing.