Artapixel / Pixabay

Meta Tuesday stated it removed two “covert influence operations” which originated in China and Russia from its platforms for violating Meta’s ‘Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior’ (CIB) policy. The CIB report stated that a network which originated in China targeted, among others, the United States and the Czech Republic. In the Czech Republic, the Chinese operation criticized [...]


Amnesty International Tuesday reported that Russian law enforcement beat and raped Russian activist Arytom Kamardin last week after he recited an anti-war poem, “Glory to Kievan Rus; Novorossiya sucks,” online. Kamardin was named a suspect for “inciting hatred or enmity with the threat of violence” under Article 282(2) of the Russian Criminal Code. If Kamardin [...]


The National Registry of Exonerations (NRE) Tuesday released a report stating that black people in the United States are seven times more likely than white people to be falsely convicted of serious crimes, more likely to be the targets of police misconduct and spend more time in prison before being exonerated. NRE has documented and analysed [...]

© WikiMedia Commons (Matt Hrkac)

Amnesty International Tuesday called for immediate international action to ensure accountability the of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini’s death in the custody of Iranian police. The organization requests that Iran repeal the statutory provisions that impose compulsory veiling on women and girls, perpetuate sexual violence, and violate women’s dignity and abolish the morality police that enforce the [...]

ninastock / Pixabay

Paul Gicheru, a Kenyan lawyer on trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC), was Tuesday found dead at his home in a suburb of Nairobi, his family and police said. The ICC charged Gicheru with witness tampering in a case linked to newly-elected Kenyan President William Ruto. BREAKING: Lawyer Paul Gicheru is dead, family confirms [...]

falco / Pixabay

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch Tuesday called for the immediate release of Algerian activist Slimane Bouhafs. According to organizations, Algerian authorities have progressively employed the Algerian penal code’s wide definition of terrorism to prosecute activists and human rights defenders and targeted other critics among the Algerian diaspora with travel bans and extradition. In 2016, [...]

© WikiMedia (Tyler Merbler)

US federal prosecutors Tuesday began jury selection in the seditious conspiracy trial against the founder of the far-right group the Oath Keepers and four other associated individuals. The Department of Justice (DOJ) first charged the individuals in connection with the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot in January of this year. As of the time of [...]

phtorxp / Pixabay

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Monday struck down California’s ban on private immigrant detention centers. Private prison operator GEO Group, Inc. and the Biden administration initiated a lawsuit against the ban in 2020. In an 8-3 decision, the Ninth Circuit stated that the California ban gave the state too much [...]


Australian veteran Damien de Pyle Monday alleged that an Australian Federal Defense (ADF) conduct after capture training module left him and other soldiers with PTSD. Conduct after capture, previously known as resistance to interrogation, training is described by ADF to prepare personnel “to understand the rigors of captivity and exploitation while surviving the capture situation with dignity.” [...]

© WikiMedia (Larissa Puro)

Planned Parenthood of Arizona Monday asked an Arizona  state judge to stay a September 23 ruling which would allow a 1901 abortion ban to go into effect. The ban went into effect shortly after the Superior Court of Pima County ruling and bans all abortions unless the procedure is necessary to save a pregnant person’s [...]