German prosecutors Tuesday declined to investigate German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for his involvement in a tax scandal. In an exclusive report to German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, prosecutors from the Attorney General’s office said they found no evidence that Scholz aided or abetted anyone involved in Germany’s cum-ex scandal. The scandal consisted of a share-trading scheme [...]

© Citizens TV

Aynsley Genga is a JURIST Staff Correspondent in Kenya. She reports from Nairobi.  Kenyan elections have been some of the most drama-filled moments in my country, and unfortunately some of the saddest. I honestly do not think we’ve had a general election where no one has died. Monday night Daniel Musyoka, the missing Embakasi East [...]

© WikiMedia (Rwxrwxrwx)

Darragh O’Brien TD, Irish Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Monday referred a report into alleged conflicts of interest at An Bord Pleanála to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). O’Brien asked Remy Farrell SC to prepare the report on the management of alleged conflicts of interest and relevant disclosures by the former deputy [...]

Darilon / Pixabay

Scotland Monday enacted the Period Products Act, making Scotland the first country to make period products free. The bill was first introduced by Monica Lennon, a Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP), in 2017. Following her campaign, the Scottish government unanimously passed the Bill in 2020. Under the new act, the Scottish government must set up [...]


Federal police officers Monday filed a complaint against Pennsylvania resident Adam Bies for making threats against federal law enforcement officers. The complaint alleges that Bies made numerous online threats using a social media platform called Gab. Most of the threats came just days after the FBI searched President Donald Trump’s residence on August 8. The [...]

© WikiMedia (FBI)

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) Monday announced it opposes revealing the affidavit for a search warrant of former President Donald Trump’s home in Florida. Federal agents executed the search warrant on August 8. Prosecutors say that revealing the affidavit “could alter the investigation’s trajectory, reveal ongoing and future investigative efforts, and undermine agents’ ability [...]

12019 / Pixabay

Greek Minister for Migration Notis Mitarachi Monday announced that the Syrian refugees trapped on an islet in the Evros river between Greece and Turkey have been located and a boat was provided to transport them. The refugees’ plight has attracted international attention after Turkey abandoned them there on August 8 after being transported back and [...]

© WikiMedia (Anthony Crider)

A group of journalists and lawyers sued the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Monday for illegally spying on them and violating their Fourth Amendment rights under the US Constitution while visiting Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The Fourth Amendment protects US citizens from unreasonable search and seizure. The group filed the lawsuit in the US District Court [...]

Tama66 / Pixabay

A Catholic pastor in Nicaragua’s Mulukuku has been detained for undisclosed reasons amid a growing crackdown on the Catholic Church by the government of President Daniel Ortega. Óscar Benavidez, a parish priest at the Espíritu Santo Parish of Mulukuku was, according to the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights’s (CENIDH) sources, “taken from his vehicle and taken on a [...]

Claude TRUONG-NGOC, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A Myanmar court Monday sentenced former State Counsellor and democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi to an additional six years in prison after she was found guilty of corruption charges, according to state media. Suu Kyi was arrested in February 2021 after a military coup and has been subsequently convicted of various offenses on three [...]