The Delhi High Court Tuesday directed instant messaging service Telegram to disclose information pertaining to channels, devices, servers, networks, phone numbers and IP and email addresses involved in the production and dissemination of copyright infringing content. Plaintiffs seek injunctive reliefs against Telegram and other defendants involved in the unauthorized dissemination of videos, lecture, books and [...]
Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the ACLU of Indiana and other organizations Tuesday filed a lawsuit challenging Indiana’s abortion ban. Plaintiffs seek to block SB 1, which bans nearly all abortions except in cases of rape, incest, lethal fetal abnormalities or serious health risk to the pregnant parent. Governor Holcomb signed [...]
The founder of Turkish cryptocurrency exchange Thodex was arrested in Albania Tuesday according to a press release from the Turkish Interior Ministry. Faruk Fatih Ozer, the founder of Thodex, was apprehended in Vlora, Albania. The press release states that extradition proceedings “were initiated” by Interpol. Turkey had put Ozer on Interpol’s “Red Notice” which, according [...]
A UN Independent Expert Tuesday said that the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and gender diverse (LGBT) people are being “deliberately undermined” by some state governments in the United States and urged the Biden administration to strengthen and protect LGBT rights. Victor Madrigal-Borloz, the UN Independent Expert on sexual orientation and gender identity, [...]
A Nigerian judge rejected a request from the Nigerian Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice Abubakar Malami the for the extradition of suspended deputy commissioner of police Abba Kyari. Malami requested Kyari be extradited to the US to face fraud charges in connection with Ramon Olorunwa Abbas’ international crime scheme. Justice Inyang [...]
The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Monday held that a San Jose California school district had to officially recognize a Christian student group. The school district derecognized the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) because of a statement of faith the leading members were required to abide by. The statement “include the belief [...]
The Council of State, France’s highest administrative court, Tuesday held that controversial imam Hassan Iquioussen’s anti-Semitic and anti-woman remarks constitute “acts of explicit and deliberate provocation to discrimination or hatred” under France’s Civil Code, and Iquioussen’s deportation is justified. The Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories (MIOT) decided to deport Iquioussen from France to [...]
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and six states Tuesday filed a complaint against the rental listing platform Roomster. The suit alleges that Roomster has taken advantage of consumers looking for affordable housing by paying for fake reviews and then charging for access to fraudulent listings. Based in New York, Roomster operates by advertising rental properties, sublets, [...]
Afghan law students and young lawyers in Afghanistan have been reporting on the ground from that country since the Taliban took Kabul in August 2021. Here, one of our correspondents in Kabul reflects on the one-year anniversary of the final departure of American soldiers from Afghan soil. For privacy and security reasons, we are withholding [...]
Alexei Navalny, a jailed Russian opposition politician, Tuesday said he has been placed in solitary confinement for the third time this month. Navalny is a vocal critic of President Vladimir Putin, has organised anti-government demonstrations and founded the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK). Navalny has been detained and placed on house arrest on several occasions due to [...]