US President Joe Biden Monday renewed his calls for an assault weapons ban during a ceremony to celebrate the newly passed Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.
The act allocates more spending for mental health and school safety programs, closes the “boyfriend loophole” and better funds crisis prevention programs. However, it does not include many of Biden’s preferred solutions including a ban on assault weapons, a 21 year-old age minimum for purchasing assault weapons or universal background checks.
The celebration began with a speech from Dr. Roy Guerrero, a pediatrician in Uvalde, Texas, recognizing the long-term consequences of mass shootings in the communities where they occur. Guerrero noted that “[t]hese parents seek a safe and secure environment for their children. It’s been tough being a pediatrician in a community where children do not want to return to school and parents don’t want to send them there, with the fear of a future attack.”
Biden began his remarks but was quickly interrupted by Manuel Oliver, a protester and father of a Parkland shooting victim. After Oliver was removed, he told press outside the venue that, “[t]he word ‘celebration’ has been used in the wrong moment. I think we need to fight back. You cannot be polite with gun violence because gun violence is not polite with you.”
Biden then continued his speech, saying, “[a]ssault weapons need to be banned and I’m not going to stop until we do it.” Biden also called for safe-storage laws “requiring personal liability for not locking up your gun.”
Senator Ted Cruz responded to Biden’s renewed calls for an assault weapons ban, saying, “[h]ell no to confiscating guns from law-abiding Americans. Radical liberal policies like this don’t work and would make us less safe.”