Complaints of sexual abuse were mishandled by the US Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) for decades, according to a report from an internal sexual abuse task force team released Sunday.
The full report reveals that individuals who reported sexual abuse by pastors and staff were “ignored, disbelieved, or met with the constant refrain that the SBC could take no action.” The report contains allegations of abuse by Executive Committee (EC) staff and members, mishandling of abuse allegations and mistreatment of victims, a pattern of intimidation of victims or advocates, and resistance to sexual abuse reform initiatives.
The task force identified some key recommendations, which include establishing an Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force, the EC hiring subject matter expert(s), and sexual abuse prevention and survivor care training.
Further, the task force implored SBC “to respond to this report with deep repentance and a commitment to the ongoing moral demands of the gospel as it relates to sexual abuse.”