The US Senate Thursday failed to pass the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 (HR 350) after receiving a vote of 47 to 47. The bill is meant to address mass shootings in the US and would have established “new requirements to expand the availability of information on domestic terrorism, as well as the relationship [...]


The Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division, First Judicial Department Thursday ruled that former US President Donald Trump and his children must testify regarding the state’s investigation into the Trump Organization. The New York Attorney General’s Office launched an inquiry in 2019 to investigate whether the organization committed fraud in financial [...]

Provided to JURIST

Law students and young lawyers in Ukraine are filing for JURIST on developments and issues arising as the country defends itself against Russian invasion. This report is from JURIST Ukraine Chief Correspondent Anna Tymoshenko, a law student at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Today, an officer of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was sentenced to 14 years in prison [...]


Two Russian soldiers Thursday pleaded guilty in the Kotelevsky District Court of Poltava to war crimes charges for shelling houses and infrastructure in Ukraine’s Kharkiv Oblast in the northeast. Oleksandr Bobykin and Oleksandr Ivanov both pleaded guilty to charges of “violation of the laws and customs of war,” which carries a sentence of 8 to [...]


Dutch journalist union, the Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (NVJ), Wednesday filed a lawsuit in the EU Court of Justice challenging the EU’s ban on Russian state-backed media outlets. NVJ alleges the EU ban amounts to a restriction on EU citizens’ right to information and free press. The EU banned the Russian state-backed channels Russia Today [...]


A New York federal judge Wednesday upheld a New York law that allows victims of gun violence to sue the gun industry. The National Shooting Sports Foundation and gun manufacturers, like Smith & Wesson and Sturm, Ruger & Co. brought the case because they claimed the state law violated the US Constitution. They also argue [...]

© WikiMedia (Andre m)

California Governor Gavin Newsom and other legislators Wednesday pledged to accelerate the process for more than a dozen gun safety bills. California lawmakers are not introducing any new gun safety laws,  but they promised to move forward with the bills that are already in review. State leaders in California said the shooting at the Uvalde, [...]

© WikiMedia (cz354x)

Mexico’s Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation Tuesday ruled that minors who are victims of rape can access abortions without their parents’ consent or without filing a report. In a 10-1 decision, the court rejected claims brought by the Aguascalientes and Baja California state governments which contended that the ‘Official Mexican Standard for family, [...]

© JURIST / Jaclyn Belczyk

Lauren Ban is a rising 2L at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and JURIST’s US Bureau Chief.  Pennsylvania’s primary elections took place May 17, some nine days ago now. Here’s what we know so far: the Democratic and Republican candidates for the gubernatorial race are decided, as is the Democratic candidate for the [...]

takazart / Pixabay

Russia’s State Duma Wednesday approved a law to change the age of enlistment in Russia. The law allows individuals over the age of 40 to enter the armed forces. In order for the change to become law, President Vladimir Putin needs to sign it. As the Ukrainian invasion continues, Russia is dealing with high casualty [...]