ID 12019 / Pixabay

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont Tuesday attended a ceremonial signing of House Bill 5414, the Reproductive Freedom Defense Act (RFDA). RFDA, which Lamont officially signed into law on May 5, provides significant protections to individuals providing or seeking abortions in Connecticut from restrictive abortion laws in other states. The bill includes the following protections: Expands which [...]

geralt / Pixabay

Clearview AI (Clearview) Monday settled a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The ACLU alleged “that Clearview repeatedly violated the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), a law adopted in 2008 to ensure that Illinois residents would not have their biometric identifiers – including faceprints – captured and used without their knowledge [...]


Former US President Jimmy Carter Monday filed an amicus brief to state his disagreement with a decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, calling the ruling “deeply mistaken” and “dangerous.” In March, the Ninth Circuit reversed a decision by the United States District Court for the District of Alaska setting [...]


Law students and lawyers in Afghanistan are filing reports with JURIST on the situation there after the Taliban takeover. Here, a female Afghan law student shares her views on a strict new Taliban decree issued Saturday requiring Afghan women to wear full hijabs under threat of sanction against themselves or their male “guardians”. For privacy [...]


The European Parliament Monday released a report from a year-long conference among EU citizens spelling out 49 proposed changes for the EU. The report calls for greater EU leadership on the world stage and even recommends removing the principle of unanimity, which requires approval from all EU member states to advance certain actions, from EU [...]


The Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act (VCCPA) Sunday went into effect in Alabama while US District Judge Liles Burke considers legal challenges from doctors and families with transgender children. Plaintiffs sought an injunction against the VCCPA in April 2022, alleging that the law violates their 14th Amendment Rights and strips them of the right to [...]


The lone survivor of a 2009 Yemeni airline plane crash Monday attended the opening Yemenia Airways’ trial. In 2009, a Yemenia flight crashed into the Indian Ocean; every passenger, except 12-year-old Bahia Bakari, died. Yemeni is charged criminally with Bakari’s injuries and the death of the 65 other French citizens on board and faces a [...]

© WikiMedia (Remi Jouan)

A Paris appeals court Monday upheld former prime minister François Fillon’s conviction for the misuse of public funds. The conviction resulted from a scandal where Fillon paid his wife, Penelope Fillon, over €600,000 for work that she never performed. However, the court decided to shorten Fillon’s initial sentence of five years in prison to four [...]

derwiki / Pixabay

UK officials Monday announced further sanctions against Russia and Belarus worth £1.7 billion. The sanctions are aimed at encouraging Russia to cease its invasion of Ukraine. The UK already have a number of sanctions in place. The UK package of sanctions involves increasing tariffs on £1.7 billion worth of imported goods. The tariffs will increase [...]

RGY23 / Pixabay

The White House Sunday announced that it had sanctioned multiple Russian bank executives, barred US assets from three Russian television stations and banned accounting services from US citizens to anyone in Russia. These sanctions represent an effort by the US to exert financial pressure on Russia in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and to [...]