© WikiMedia ( Jaseem Hamza)

Amnesty International on Monday called on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to immediately release a group of dissidents who have been behind bars beyond the end of their prison sentences. The “UAE-94” case concerns a mass trial conducted by UAE authorities against dissidents and members of the al-Islah political movement in 2012–2013, which Amnesty called [...]

© WikiMedia (I, Aude)

A Washington D.C. jury acquitted Michael Sussman, a former Hillary Clinton campaign attorney, of making false statements to the FBI Tuesday. This concludes a controversial 3-year investigation by Special Prosecutor John Durham. Deliberation began last Friday and ended at 11:05am Tuesday, taking a total of six hours. Durham was appointed by former Attorney General William [...]


Two Russian artillerymen, were sentenced to 11.5 years in prison in Ukraine Tuesday for war crimes. The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office charged Alexander Bobikin and Alexander Ivanov with violating Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which governs war crimes. The court found that the men had “destroyed critical infrastructure and [...]

© WikiMedia (Stephenjudge)

A three-judge Irish Special Criminal Court panel Monday found Lisa Smith, a former Irish soldier, guilty of being a member of ISIS. Smith traveled to Syria after Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the former head of the Islamic State Caliphate, asked international Muslims to come to Syria. Smith plead not guilty to ISIS membership, claiming she only traveled [...]


Canada’s federal government introduced legislation in Parliament Monday implementing stronger gun control. The “national freeze” legislation will ban the ability “to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns anywhere in Canada.” It will likewise address gun violence associated with domestic violence, gender-based violence, and self-harm by creating a “red flag” law that would enable courts to [...]


President Andrés Manuel López Obrador Tuesday signed a decree banning the sale of vaporizers and electronic cigarettes in Mexico. The announcement came on World No Tobacco Day and follows the Mexican government’s anti-vaping policy. The decree amends Mexico’s General Law for Tobacco Control. President López, at the press conference announcing the ban, said “Regardless of [...]

Pvt. Travis Terreo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Former Canadian Supreme Court Justice Louise Arbour Monday released a long-awaited report recommending that all sexual offenses committed by Canadian military personnel should be prosecuted in civilian courts instead of military tribunals. The report also calls on the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to conduct demographic reviews for alleviating the over-representation of white males in leadership positions, [...]

© WikiMedia (Jonathan Rashad)

An Egyptian emergency court Sunday sentenced former presidential candidate Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh to 15 years in prison for “spreading false news” and undermining state security. Aboul Fotouh along with several prominent figures from the banned Muslim Brotherhood organization were also accused of plotting to overthrow the state, according to Reuters. Aboul Fotouh ran for [...]

pvdberg / Pixabay

Peru’s Prosecution Office Sunday launched an investigation into the activities of Peru President Pedro Castillo. The investigation will look into alleged crimes including, “criminal organization, aggravated influence peddling, and aggravated collusion” The Prosecution Office also stated that investigation into these crimes may uncover others. Peruvian prosecutors initially confined their investigation to former Minister of Transport and [...]

Leonhard Lenz, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet Saturday raised concerns that China’s counter-terrorism measures in the province of Xinjiang may violate human rights and publicly called on the country to review these measures, which some have said target the country’s Uyghur minority. Bachelet’s statement follows her visit to Xinjiang amid new accusations of state [...]