Photo credit: Stephanie Sundier

The US Supreme Court Monday struck down part of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA), ruling in favor of Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz sued the Federal Election Commission (FEC) over a $260,000 personal loan made to his senatorial campaign, which he attempted to recoup the costs of in violation of the BCRA’s section [...]

© WikiMedia (Adam Jones)

Sri Lanka lifted a government curfew Sunday for the Buddhist holiday of Vesak on May 16. The curfew was put in place on May 9 after violence broke out amid protests against current Sri Lankan President, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. The curfew was instituted under Sri Lanka’s Public Security Ordinance Part III. The [...]


The Israeli Supreme Court Sunday ruled in favor of the Israeli government’s planned cable car over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The ruling has been met with excitement by proponents such as Jerusalem’s mayor, Moshe Lion, who claimed the project would, “reduce air pollution in the area, solve the transport and parking distress and allow [...]

Tumisu / Pixabay

Voters in Switzerland Sunday approved by 58.4 percent a referendum mandating streaming services to invest in Switzerland’s domestic film market. 40 percent of Swiss voters came out to vote on the bill, along with other referendums. “Lex Netflix,” as it is being called, mandates that 30 percent of the streamed movies and shows are produced [...]

995645 / Pixabay

UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights Olivier De Schutter, in a report published Wednesday, condemned the Lebanese government and the central bank for the country’s worst economic and financial crisis, which has pushed most of its population into poverty. The report categorises the crisis as entirely manufactured by failed government policies which [...]


According to a press release on Thursday, May 12th from the Danish Ministry of Justice, the Danish Attorney General has recommended charging former Defence Minister, Claus Hjort Frederiksen, with “the unauthorized disclosure of highly classified information.” The Attorney General’s office has recommended that charges be brought under the rarely used section 109 of the Danish [...]

© WikiMedia (Ted Eytan)

The Texas Supreme Court Friday ruled that state agencies in Texas may investigate gender affirming care as child abuse but that the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is not bound to undertake any such investigations. On February 18, Attorney General Ken Paxton issued an opinion stating that many forms of gender affirming care [...]

tammon / Pixabay

The families of 98 victims of the Champlain Towers south condominium collapse in Surfside, Florida reached a $997 million settlement Wednesday. The condominium collapsed on June 24, 2021. The 12-story complex collapsed abruptly in the early morning, almost instantly destroying dozens of individual condo units and burying victims under tons of rubble. Rescuers spent weeks [...]

Photo credit: Stephanie Sundier

Two tech industry groups filed an emergency petition Friday seeking to block Texas House Bill 20 (HB20), a bill that would allow users to sue social networks if they believe they were banned from a platform for their political views. Applicants NetChoice, LLC (NetChoice) and Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) appealed to the Supreme [...]

© WikiMedia (Ola A .Alsheikh)

Sudanese Military Thursday fired tear gas and stun grenades at protestors as attempts at a peaceful resolution to unrest have fallen apart. According to a press release from the Khartoum State Resistance Committees, the protestors intended to march from Jackson Station, Al Qandul Square, and the Stadium to the Republican Palace in Khartoum. Current political [...]