Belarusian law students enrolled at European Humanities University are filing reports with JURIST on current circumstances in Belarus under the constitutionally-disputed presidency of Alexander Lukashenka. For privacy and security reasons, we are withholding the name of the correspondent filing this report. The text has only been lightly edited to respect the author’s voice. The war [...]

© WikiMedia (H2rty)

The US Senate Monday voted to move Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court nomination to the Senate Floor after the Judiciary Committee deadlocked along party lines. The deadlock is the first time the committee has split on a Supreme Court nominee since Justice Clarence Thomas was nominated by President George H. W. Bush over 30 [...]

© WikiMedia (The White House)

President Joe Biden Monday joined calls to prosecute Russian President Vladimir Putin for war crimes in Ukraine. Speaking to reporters, Biden acknowledged that he faced criticism for calling Putin a war criminal, but he stood by his statement. He specifically pointed to Russian action in Bucha, a suburb of Kyiv. Biden announced his intention to [...]

Turkish American Chamber of Commerce

Law students and young lawyers in Ukraine are filing dispatches for JURIST on the latest developments in that country as it defends itself against Russian invasion. Here, Illia Fedin, a lawyer based in Kharkiv, comments on the peace/ceasefire talks between Ukraine and Russia. The text has only been lightly edited to respect the author’s voice. [...]

kalhh / Pixabay

The Bandung High Court Monday sentenced a teacher, Herry Wirawan, to death for raping 13 students at an Islamic boarding school. The victims were between 12 and 16 years old. It was further found that he impregnated at least eight of the victims. The Bandung District Court had earlier sentenced him to life imprisonment, but [...]


President Joe Biden Sunday released a statement calling for stricter gun laws in response to the mass shooting in Sacramento that occurred earlier on Sunday, which resulted in six deaths and at least a dozen injuries. In the statement, Biden discussed his Administration’s executive action to implement his gun crime reduction strategy. This strategy includes [...]


In a move decried by critics as constitutional subversion and an attack on democracy, Pakistani President Arif Alvi on Sunday affirmed the dissolution of the country’s National Assembly, which earlier that day had been set to undertake a vote of no confidence against the country’s prime minister, Imran Khan. The National Assembly had planned on [...]

babawawa / Pixabay

The US Department of Defense Saturday announced the repatriation of an Algerian citizen detained at Guantánamo Bay. This repatriation follows a five year delay from a hold by former President Trump on all detainee transfers from Guantánamo Bay. Sufiyan Barhoumi has been detained since 2002. He was captured in Pakistan following US military interventions in [...]


Sri Lanka’s Cabinet of Ministers Sunday reportedly resigned amidst rising public anger against the government over the economic crisis in the country. All ministers except Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa signed a letter stating their resignation, paving the way  for a new cabinet to be formed. The letter was submitted to the prime minister, who will [...]

SatyaPrem / Pixabay

As of Monday, Essex police have arrested nearly 200 climate activists for myriad offenses related to ongoing protests aimed at disrupting the work of area oil refineries. The protestors were affiliated with Just Stop Oil, a coalition of activist groups working to end efforts by UK authorities to undertake new fossil fuel licensing and production [...]