EmDee, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The European Commission Wednesday announced it is suing Portugal over its failure to implement a national action plan addressing long-term risks from exposure to radiation. In a press statement, the European Commission stated that, Today, the Commission decided to refer Portugal to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to fully transpose [...]

jorono / Pixabay

An Indonesian court Wednesday found that a senior member of an Islamist group, consciously aided terrorism actors and sentenced him to three years in prison. A three-judge panel of the East Jakarta District Court found the former human rights lawyer and secretary-general of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Munarman, guilty of committing acts of terrorism. [...]


The California Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday passed a bill that will empower private citizens to sue those who traffic illegal weapons into the state. The bill has been passed in response to the deadly mass shooting which occurred Sunday just blocks from the state Capitol building. Senate Bill (SB) 1327 was authored by Senator Robert Hertzberg [...]

© WikiMedia (Voice of America)

Human Rights Watch (HWR) released a report Tuesday revealing that Malian armed forces and associated foreign soldiers allegedly executed an estimated 300 civilian men in late March 2022. The civilians were allegedly executed in the central Malian town of Moura. These alleged killings are the latest in the ongoing Malian civil war, which began in [...]

© WikiMedia (Cornellrockey)

The Oklahoma House of Representatives voted Tuesday to enact a law that makes it a felony to perform or attempt to perform an abortion, except to save the life of the pregnant woman in a medical emergency. S.B. 612 makes performing or attempting to perform an abortion punishable by a fine of $100,000 or up to [...]


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) found that Belgium violated the rights of Jehovah’s Witnesses in failing to grant tax exemptions in a ruling Tuesday. The case of Assemblée Chrétienne Des Témoins de Jéhovah d’Anderlecht and Others v. Belgium concerned an application made by Jehovah’s Witnesses for being denied property tax exemptions. Under legislation [...]


According to a report published Tuesday by human rights advocates in the first half of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s term violence against journalists has increased by 85%, compared to the first half of his predecessor’s term. The report by Article 19, an international human rights group, described Mexico as “the most dangerous country for journalists” [...]


The Rwanda appeals court Monday upheld Paul Rusesabagina’s 25-year sentence. In upholding the sentence, the court of appeals rejected the prosecutors’ demand for a life sentence. Rusesabagina’s supporters and international observers, such as TrialWatch and Amnesty International, called Rusesabagina’s first trial a sham. The 2021 sentencing was a result of his involvement in the 2018-2019 Rwandan [...]


Former female workers of a McDonald’s located in Mason, Michigan recently filed a class-action lawsuit against a store manager for sexual harassment. The McDonald’s franchisee agreed Monday to a settlement where they will pay $1.5  million to 100 female workers. In November of 2019 Jenna Ries, a former employee, filed the original lawsuit. In the complaint [...]


The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled Tuesday that national governments may not permit the “general and indiscriminate retention” of traffic and location data of electronic communications. The court’s ruling comes from a long procedural history. In 2015, an Irish court convicted Graham Dwyer of the 2012 murder of Elaine O’Hara. Dwyer appealed to the [...]