Neta623 / Pixabay

Peruvian police Wednesday reported that they had evicted indigenous protesters from MMG’s Las Bambas copper mine. This eviction resulted in at least three people injured and 11 people arrested. Police clashed with protesters who had occupied the Las Bambas mining camp and who belong to the Fuerabamba indigenous community in the Apurimac region. The protesters [...]


A nation-wide strike in Sri Lanka Thursday brought the country to a standstill. Since the COVID-19 pandemic struck Sri Lanka, the country has experienced shortages in food, fuel and medicine. The situation has become so dire that the government has requested donations from citizens in other countries. The crisis has been caused in part by [...]

© WikiMedia (Joe Ravi)

The US Supreme Court Wednesday heard oral arguments in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta, a case concerning the court’s 2020 decision that removed Oklahoma’s jurisdiction over many crimes in large parts of the state that remain classified as reservations.  In 2015, Victor Manuel Castro-Huerta, who is not Native American, was convicted of child neglect and sentenced to [...]


Canadian lawmakers Wednesday voted unanimously to adopt a motion labeling Russia’s actions in Ukraine a “genocide.” The declaration was voted upon in the Canadian House of Commons and is non-binding on the Canadian government, but it nevertheless signals that the parliament seeks to hold Russia accountable for its actions. The motion was first proposed by [...]

© WikiMedia (WHO)

The US House of Representatives Wednesday unanimously passed legislation calling on the State Department to develop a strategy to regain observer status for Taiwan in the World Health Organization (WHO). The bill previously passed through the Senate in August 2021. It will now go to the White House where it is expected that President Joe [...]

Claude TRUONG-NGOC, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A court in Myanmar Wednesday sentenced deposed civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi to five years in prison after finding her guilty of corruption. Suu Kyi was convicted of accepting about USD $1.3 million in gold and cash from a political colleague. She has denied the allegations. This is the first of several corruption cases [...]


The New Zealand High Court Wednesday ruled that the COVID-19 rules used to control the borders during the pandemic were unlawful. A previous ruling similarly found COVID-19 restrictions to be unlawful. New Zealanders’ right to enter the country was delayed and made more difficult due to restrictions in place from April 2020 through February 2022.  [...]

derwiki / Pixabay

The UK Ministry of Justice Wednesday published an independent report on terrorism in prisons and committed to measures to suppress terrorist activity in jails. The 81-page report, prepared by Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation Jonathan Hall QC, is mandated under the Terrorism Act 2006. The report takes note of terror activity supposedly linked to associations formed [...]


The Minnesota Department of Human Rights (MDHR) Wednesday released a report on its investigation into patterns or practices of race discrimination by the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD). The investigation was begun on June 1, 2020, less than a week after an MPD officer murdered George Floyd. Floyd’s murder sparked widespread [...]