© WikiMedia (Bernard Gagnon)

India’s Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Monday confirmed that it had refused to renew the foreign funding registration for Missionaries of Charity (MoC), a Catholic religious congregation set up by Saint Teresa of Calcutta, on grounds of adverse inputs in their application record. Registration under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) is necessary for any [...]


Law students and lawyers in Afghanistan are filing reports with JURIST on the situation there after the Taliban takeover. Here, a Staff Correspondent for JURIST in Kabul reports on the shooting death of a young civilian by Taliban forces and the protests, marked by anti-Taliban chants, that followed. For privacy and security reasons, we are [...]


Law students and lawyers in Afghanistan are filing reports with JURIST on the situation there after the Taliban takeover. Here, a Staff Correspondent for JURIST in Kabul reports on a new religious code restricting everything ranging from men shaving their beards to women traveling without a male companion. For privacy and security reasons, we are [...]


Poland’s President Andrzej Duda vetoed a controversial media bill Monday that was criticized for targeting independent broadcaster TVN owned by Discovery, Inc., a US media giant. The bill requires that broadcasters operating in Poland be majority-owned by entities from the European Economic Area. The ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) has vocalized the belief that [...]


The UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths issued a statement Sunday calling Myanmar authorities to investigate a reported attack against civilians in the state of Kayah on Friday. Griffiths confirmed that the reports of the killings of at least 35 civilians, including at least one child, were credible. The victims [...]

Pexels / Pixabay

UK Home Secretary Priti Patel Sunday announced that she is bringing forward legislation that would ban people from attending football (soccer) games for ten years if they are found guilty of online racism related to football. Through this legislation, “Football Banning Orders” (FBOs), currently imposed on people convicted of violence, disorder, and homophobic or racist chanting, would [...]

TeeFarm / Pixabay

Beginning in the new year, people in Switzerland will be able to legally change their gender with only a visit to the civil registry office. The Swiss parliament passed amendments in 2020 to the civil code and the civil status ordinance that would allow people to change their first name and their gender quickly and [...]


Amnesty International Saturday reported that a nonbinary Jordanian LBTQI+ activist, who has been identified as AOA, has been improperly arrested and detained in Beirut while planning to fly to Australia to seek asylum. AOA’s arrest comes after they spent several years working in LBTQI+ rights in Jordan and eventually left to flee their allegedly oppressive and influential [...]


Russia’s media regulator Roskomnadzor Saturday blocked the website of prominent rights and protest monitoring group OVD-Info after a court decision, the group said in a statement. OVD-Info is an independent Russian human rights group that has documented anti-Kremlin protests for several years and allegedly is fighting political persecution in Russia. The Russian government adopted the Federal [...]


South Korea President Moon Jae-in Friday announced that former President Park Geun-hye would be granted a special pardon from a 20-year prison sentence for bribery and corruption-related charges. Park, 69, is among 3,094 persons to be granted the special amnesty. South Korea’s Ministry of Justice has stated that the pardon is aimed at promoting “national [...]