Myanmar law students are reporting for JURIST on challenges to the rule of law in their country under the military junta that deposed the civilian government of Aung San Suu Kyi in February. For privacy and security reasons we are withholding this law student’s name and institutional affiliation. The text has been only lightly edited to respect the author’s voice.
This is Full moon day here. Usually, this would be a big celebration but this year, we can’t celebrate yet till we get democracy. At least, we’re safe and healthy in a house with a roof and four walls. I’ll just pretend not to hear or see how some people are having fun on streets and celebrating regardless of the many sacrifices CDM staffs and PDF youths have made. Tonight turns into a big chase and run mission for Yangon UG [Underground] (i.e. the PDF teams who do missions in city centers). 47 people (40 male, 7 female) got abducted. Now, they’re in interrogation processes and had to give information about other members. Info on almost all members of theYangon Underground is leaked now and they had to move out of their current location by tonight.
Junta military and police point their gun at random pedestrians in city centre. They drive around almost all day. It’s getting more dangerous for PDF and general public. They will just arrest anyone randomly and charge them with anything they want.