The UN Human Rights Council approved a resolution Thursday to appoint, for one year, a Special Rapporteur to monitor the status of human rights in Afghanistan as it evolves.
The Council adopted the resolution introduced by the European Union with 28 votes in favor, 14 abstentions, and five votes against, including China, Pakistan, and Russia. The resolution says that the rapporteur will report on the status of human rights and provide recommendations for improvement. Further, the rapporteur shall seek, receive, examine and act on information from all stakeholders pertinent to the human rights situation.
The rapporteur will also assist Afghanistan in meeting its human rights obligations under international treaties that it has ratified, as well as provide support and guidance to civil society. The resolution additionally directs the rapporteur to incorporate “a gender perspective and a survivor-centered approach” throughout the mandate’s work.
The ambassador of the EU to the UN in Geneva, Lotte Knudsen, said, “the rights of women and girls are of particular concern to us. The actions of the Taliban directed against women and girls and the violation of their rights are highly worrying.” She further added, “this resolution responds to the call which the High Commissioner made to this Council, to establish a dedicated mechanism to monitor the evolving human rights situation.”
The special rapporteur will present its report on the issue to the Human Rights Council at its fifty-first session and to the General Assembly at its seventy-seventh session.