The Government of India’s Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeITY) sought clarification Friday from Facebook India’s Managing Director Ajit Mohan on the algorithms used by the company to moderate hate speech and fake news on its social media platforms. The move comes just a few weeks after whistle-blower Frances Haugen testified before the US Senate accusing [...]
Srinivas Kodali, a Hyderabad-based privacy researcher, issued a legal notice Friday to the Commissioner of Hyderabad Police, Anjani Kumar. The release demands a halt to the illegal searches of mobile phones being carried out by police personnel across the city. The Internet Freedom Foundation, an organization dedicated to safeguarding the online freedoms and rights of Indian citizens, [...]
The Belarus Ministry of Internal Affairs declared Friday that three of the country’s most popular social media channels will be classed as “extremist.” Telegram channels, NEXTA, NEXTA live, and LUXTA were widely used during the street protests in 2020 to protest against the election, which resulted in Alexander Lukashenko being sworn in as president. Nearly one in [...]
The European Parliament launched a lawsuit Friday against the European Commission for a mechanism that allows the freezing of EU payments to member states which failed to respect the rule of law principles. The mechanism in question links EU funds to the rule of law breaches. The lawsuit brought by the European Parliament will put [...]
A Russian national had his first appearance in an Ohio court Thursday following his extradition from South Korea for his alleged role in a cybercriminal organization. Vladimir Dunaev is accused of being part of a transnational group that deployed a suite of malware programs known as Trickbot. The malware employed trojans and ransomware to infect millions [...]
The Associated Press (AP) has released an investigative report revealing that the Myanmar military has been torturing prisoners in a “methodical and systematic” manner since taking over the government in February. The report is based on interviews with 28 people who were recently released by the military. AP’s investigation covered images, sketches, and letters, as [...]
The Victorian government introduced a bill that would give pandemic management discretion to the state’s premier and health minister. The bill would give the premier nearly full authority to declare a pandemic, with no limits to the duration. The health minister would then have the power to announce any pandemic orders the minister believes are “reasonably [...]
The Delhi High Court issued a notice Thursday asking the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), and State Bank of India (SBI) to respond to a petition seeking revocation of the prohibition on using the Unified Payment Interface (UPI) System for cryptocurrency transactions in the country. The petition is [...]
The office of the public prosecutor (OTP) and the government of Colombia entered into a cooperation agreement Thursday, effectively closing the ICC’s 17 year-long preliminary investigations into Colombia’s alleged war crimes. The agreement, which was concluded by the prosecutor, Mr. Karim A. A khan QC and president Iván Duque Márquez is centered around the complementarity principle [...]
An Amazon seller on Thursday filed a proposed class-action suit claiming the retail giant discriminated against straight white cisgender men by creating support initiatives for creators of color and specialized search filters that allow shoppers to see results from minority-owned sellers. Jonathan Correll alleged that Amazon’s diversity campaigns, including Black History Month and Hispanic Heritage [...]