Circuit Court Judge John Cooper on Friday verbally ruled against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ (R) planned retribution against local school districts that implement masking requirements. Judge Cooper’s ruling will effectively prevent DeSantis from sanctioning school districts that impose such requirements because doing so would violate H.B. 241, also known as the Parents’ Bill of Rights. [...]


In a judgment delivered on Friday, the ICC Appeals Chamber confirmed Pre-Trial Chamber II’s July 5 “Decision on the review of detention” continuing Abd-Al-Rahman’s pre-trial detention. Abd-Al-Rahman, a top commander of a militia group, is suspected of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Darfur region of Sudan. The appeal, which was founded on three grounds, [...]


The Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court in Germany Thursday sentenced two Syrian nationals on war crimes and terrorism-related charges. Khedr A.K. was given a life sentence, mainly for shielding the execution of a detained army officer and membership of a foreign terrorist organization. His co-defendant, Sami A.S., was sentenced to nine years in prison, for filming the crime and preparing the [...]

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Seven US Capitol police officers (“the plaintiffs”) filed a complaint in federal court on Thursday against former president Donald Trump and one of his corporations, Stop the Steal LLC, domestic and international Proud Boys groups, and other far right extremist groups (“the defendants”) for allegedly causing injuries to more than 140 police officers on January 6. [...]

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The UN Human Rights Committee ruled Thursday that the proceedings against former Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon in the Franco and Gurtel cases were arbitrary. It also observed that the two trials violated the principles of impartiality and judicial independence. In 2010, Spain’s General Council of the Judiciary suspended investigating judge Baltasar Garzon in furtherance of [...]

SW1994 / Pixabay

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), China’s top internet watchdog, on Friday published a 30-point draft guideline which contained proposals forbidding companies from deploying algorithms that “encourage addiction or high consumption” and endanger national security or disrupt the public order. The draft guidelines, which aims to “safeguard national security and social public interests, protect the [...]


The Gloucester County School Board agreed to pay $1.3 million on Wednesday, settling a six-year discrimination case against Gavin Grimm, a transgender student who the school refused to let use the boys’ restroom. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) representing Grimm filed a lawsuit in 2015 after the student, who was a sophomore at the time [...]

jorono / Pixabay

Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) reported on Thursday that gunmen have killed 150 civilians in an armed attack. The attack in the Gida Kiremu district of western Ethiopia is suspected to have been committed by Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) a division of the banned Oromo Liberation Front according to the Commission. The state-appointed, but independent [...]


Amnesty International on Thursday published a report detailing the Bangladesh government’s crackdown on freedom of expression online by use of the country’s controversial Digital Security Act (DSA). The DSA was introduced in October 2018 and contains some wide-ranging provisions that enable the authorities to trample on the guarantee of freedom of speech and expression. Under [...]

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On Wednesday, New Mexico’s attorney general filed a lawsuit in federal district court alleging that the maker of a highly popular mobile game knowingly collects and sells the personal data of children under the age of thirteen. Hector Balderas filed the lawsuit against Rovio Entertainment, the company behind the Angry Birds franchise. The game was [...]