Moscow’s Tagansky District Court imposed fines Thursday against Twitter Inc, Facebook Inc, and Pavel Durov’s Telegram. The Russian government stated that these fines were the result of Facebook and Twitter failing to delete illegal content. The court first decided the case against the tech giants back in April and found that the companies violated the Code [...]
Austria’s Supreme Court of Justice referred four fundamental questions regarding the legality of Facebook’s collection and use of EU customers’ data to the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) on Tuesday. The questions arose in a civil case filed by Maximilian Schrems, an Austrian lawyer and privacy activist, who alleges that Facebook deprives users [...]
The US Department of State on Tuesday blocked entry of former Honduras President Porfirio Lobo Sosa and First Lady Rosa Elena Bonilla Avila into the country due to their corruption allegations. Both have been designated under § 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, which makes designated foreign government [...]
The High Court of Delhi ruled Thursday that a promise made by the Chief Minister of State during a press conference is an enforceable promise that has to be implemented by the government. On March 25, 2020, India announced a nationwide lockdown because of COVID-19. Consequently, Delhi witnessed a mass exodus of daily-wage workers leaving for [...]
The Legislative Council of Hong Kong Special Administration Region began discussions Wednesday on the Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Bill, which focuses on tackling doxxing behaviour. The controversial bill has been a subject of criticism by technology giants and activists due to its implications on data privacy and freedom of expression. The Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) [...]
US District Judge Kristine Baker on Tuesday issued a preliminary injunction against SB6, or Act 309, an Arkansas law that would ban all abortions. Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson signed SB6 after it was passed March of this year by the majority-Republican Legislature. The bill was sponsored by Senator Jason Rapert from District 35 of Central [...]
The US Senate rejected a proposal Wednesday to begin debate on a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. H.R. 3684, also named “Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America Act” or the “INVEST in America Act,” was proposed by Representative Pete DeFazio (D-OR) in June. The bill “addresses provisions related to [...]
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), together with the Secretary of State and Customs and Border Protection (CBP), on Monday extended nonessential land border travel restrictions with Canada and Mexico by an additional 30 days. This means that the restrictions will remain in place through August 21. Noting the continued spread of the COVID-19 [...]
The Public Health Agency of Canada announced Monday the easing of travel restrictions for fully vaccinated individuals starting August 9 for US citizens and permanent residents, and September 7 for other foreign nationals. All travelers are required to be fully vaccinated by Canadian standards at least 14 days prior to entering Canada. Acceptable vaccines by Canadian [...]
The Pietermaritzburg High Court of South Africa granted former President Jacob Zuma’s request for a delay in his arms deals corruption trial on Tuesday. The proceedings were adjourned for three weeks until August 10. The High Court Judge Piet Koen said that the trial in relation to issues raised in the special plea in terms [...]