The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a public report Tuesday stating that most federal agencies that use facial recognition technology systems are unaware of the “privacy and accuracy-related risks” that such systems pose to federal agencies and the American public. After holding a forum on AI oversight, the GAO developed an artificial intelligence (AI) [...]


Per the order list published Friday, the US Supreme Court declined an appeal from a Washington State-based florist who refused to sell flowers to a same-sex couple. The Court did not issue an opinion with the rejection. The petitioner, Barronelle Stutzman, denied service to Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed, a couple who planned to get [...]

AlanMc, Public domain

Northern Ireland’s Public Prosecution Service (PPS) announced on Friday that the prosecution of Soldier F, the only British soldier to be charged in connection with the Bloody Sunday killings of 1972, will be discontinued. It was also announced that planned proceedings against a second soldier, Soldier B, will not be commenced. The announcement comes after [...]

kalhh / Pixabay

The US Supreme Court turned away a case challenging libel protections for journalists and the media enshrined in a landmark 1964 ruling on Friday. However, dissenting opinions from conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch questioned the rationale behind the continued use of these legal protections. The conservative Justices’ opinions signaled a recognition of the [...]

© WikiMedia (Gage Skidmore)

The US Supreme Court on Thursday ruled 6-3 in Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta that California can not require nonprofit organizations to disclose the names and addresses of their largest donors. California requires nonprofits to disclose their Service Form 990 to the state attorney general (AG). Service Form 990 is the primary tool for [...]


The US State Department announced new sanctions on Friday against 22 individuals connected to the military regime in Myanmar, as well as against four entities that provide monetary or material support to the regime. The announcement noted that the US Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) added seven members of the regime to [...]


The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced on Thursday that 130 nations have agreed to a plan to reform taxation rules regarding multinational corporations. The plan involves two pillars. The first pillar would reallocate some taxing rights over multinational enterprises (MNEs) from their home countries to regions where they operate and earn profits [...]

© WikiMedia (Gage Skidmore)

The Trump Organization and its Chief Financial Officer, Allen Weisselberg, were charged on Thursday with fraud and other tax crimes, receiving more than $1.7 million of compensation without paying taxes. The criminal charges followed from a long investigation by prosecutors of the Manhattan District Attorney and New York Attorney General; where the 15-year scheme to [...]


Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a moratorium on scheduling federal executions on Thursday, “pending review of policies and procedures.” Garland cited the inconsistent application of the death penalty, particularly leading to a disparate impact on persons of color, and a large number of exonerations in capital cases as reasons necessitating the review of its application. [...]