Florida man becomes first felon sentenced for role in US Capitol riot News
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Florida man becomes first felon sentenced for role in US Capitol riot

Paul Hodgkins of Tampa, Florida became the first felon Monday to be sentenced for his role in the storming of the US Capitol on January 6. He was sentenced to eight months in prison and ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution for building damage. 

On January 6, Hodgkins entered the Senate Chamber, where he waved a pro-Trump flag and took a selfie while wearing a “Trump 2020” shirt. That selfie was later used to identify him as one of the participants in the attacks. On June 2, he was the second person charged in connection with the storming of the Capitol on January 6 to plead guilty.

Judge Randolph Moss of the US District Court for the District of Columbia noted that “although Mr. Hodgekins was only one member of a larger mob, he actively and intentionally participated in an event that threatened not only the security of the Capitol but democracy itself.” The damage caused by the rioters “will persist in this country for several decades.” 

However, Judge Moss said that he did not believe Hodgkins was “evil or that he is inherently an evil person.” After weighing the charge against Hodgkins’ actions, Judge Moss sentenced Hodgkins to eight months in prison. Hodgkins was also ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution for damage to the building.

 Over 535 individuals have so far been arrested for crimes related to the US Capitol riot. Over 165 of those individuals have been charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement.