EU Council sanctions individuals and companies over Myanmar coup News
EU Council sanctions individuals and companies over Myanmar coup

The Council of the EU announced Sunday that it is imposing sanctions on 10 individuals and two companies over the Myanmar coup. The sanctions are the second wave of sanctions imposed by the Council over the coup.

The companies sanctioned, Myanmar Economic Holdings Public Company Limited and Myanmar Economic Corporation Limited, are both controlled by the Myanmar Armed Forces (Tatmadaw), which overthrew the democratic government and took power on February 1. The individuals sanctioned “are all responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law in Myanmar/Burma, and for repressive decisions and serious human rights violations.”

The EU Council said the sanctions target the Tatmadaw’s economic interests. The sanctions include a ban on travel, freezing assets, and barring both companies and individuals in the EU from financially supporting those sanctioned. Measures that were already operating before Sunday’s announcement include “an embargo on arms and equipment that can be used for internal repression”, banning exports of dual-use goods, restricted exports of communications monitoring equipment, barring military training and cooperation with the Tatmadaw, and stopping all forms of assistance for the military junta.

The EU Council commented:

Today’s decision is a sign of the EU’s unity and determination in condemning the brutal actions of the military junta, and aims at effecting change in the junta’s leadership. Today’s decision also sends a clear message to the military leadership: continuing on the current path will only bring further suffering and will never grant any legitimacy.

Sunday’s sanctions follow just weeks after the EU Council announced its first wave of sanctions. 11 individuals were sanctioned by the EU Council in late March. Those individuals were high-ranking Tatmadaw officers and key players in the ousting of elected State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi.

The EU Council is among the swathe of individuals and organizations who have condemned the coup. The coup has devastated the country. Hundreds of individuals have been killed by the Tatmadaw and police carrying out crackdowns on dissent. The impact on persons living in the country has been harrowing, but the citizenry’s strength and resilience are evident in the widespread peaceful pro-democracy protests permeating the country.