JURIST EXCLUSIVE – Police and soldiers of the Myanmar military junta continued aggressive security operations Wednesday, arresting hundreds of peaceful protesters and harassing a Yangon neighborhood just hours before the UN Security Council adopted a unanimous statement condemning the use of violence against peaceful protesters. In two different deployments Wednesday, security forces moved into two different districts of Myanmar’s largest city, suppressing and trapping student protesters in North Okkalapa, and later going door to door in Sanchaung allegedly looking for weapons in the wake of a large security operation there which was only called off after Western embassies and the UN issued implicit warnings to the junta not to proceed. Police were also active Wednesday in Yangon’s Tamwe Township where they forced railway employees supporting the Civil Disobedience Movement from their residences, prompting a visit by the staff of the US Embassy to see exactly what was happening and indicate ongoing American concern about the situation.
Meanwhile in New York, the UN Security Council Wednesday issued its first statement including the word “condemn” in reference to the actions of the Myanmar junta that seized power from civilian authorities on February 1. The statement was notably unanimous in its rejection of violence against peaceful protesters and in its call for the immediate release of persons arbitrarily detained, but objections from China, Russia, India and Vietnam resulted in the dropping of language that would have referred to the military takeover as “coup” and would have threatened further international action against the military regime.
Law students reporting for JURIST in Myanmar expressed frustration with both aggressive police operations and the UN statement. One said:
Everyone is thinking now that we do have to do something in order to prevent from abusing and violence everyday. Hiding [from police and soldiers] is not the solution. We have to hide and run everyday. Now, they even broke into house[s that are used for shelter after protests are violently dispersed]. And then we are arrested and face brutal violenc. I feel like something is wrong. I can’t even understand the UN Security Council meeting result. While they are discussing and can not get an agreement, people are dying and suffering every day.