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Ugandan opposition leader Robert Kyagulani, also known as Bobi Wine, on Monday withdrew an election petition challenging the re-election of Yoweri Museveni. Kyagulani cited frustrations with the Supreme Court as the reason for his withdrawal, claiming that the Supreme Court justices hearing the case were biased. In January’s presidential election, Museveni won his sixth term [...]


Emma Coronel Aispuro, wife of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera, was arrested in the US on Monday and charged with conspiracy to distribute cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin and marijuana for importation to the US. She is a dual citizen of the US and Mexico and was arrested upon arrival at Dulles International airport outside of Washington, [...]

fsHH / Pixabay

An independent investigation released on Monday found that Aurora, Colorado, police officers had no legal basis to stop, frisk, and use a chokehold on Elijah McClain. McClain, a 23-year-old Black man, died after an August 2019 encounter with police and paramedics during which he was restrained and sedated. The report was commissioned by the City [...]

jorono / Pixabay

El jueves el Juzgado 5º Federal de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires condenó a varias personas involucradas en el caso Escuela de Mecánia de la Armada (ESMA). La ESMA fue el principal centro de detención clandestino de Argentina durante la última dictadura militar. Fue escenario de más de 800 delitos, como torturas, secuestros y [...]

stokpic / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled Monday that the Seneca Nation is required to pay hundreds of millions of dollars of outstanding casino revenue sharing payments to New York State, following an appeal from arbitration that saw disagreement over the timeframes qualified for revenue sharing. The roots of the controversy date [...]

TRAVELKR / Pixabay

La detención del rapero español Pablo Hasél por presuntamente glorificar el terrorismo e insultar a la monarquía provocó protestas a las que asistieron miles de personas en toda España el martes. Los cargos de Hasél están relacionados con una serie de sus tweets y letras de canciones. Hasél se atrincheró junto a sus seguidores el [...]


A Sessions Court judge in Delhi granted bail Tuesday to 22-year-old climate activist Disha Ravi, who was arrested for sedition for allegedly creating documents with secessionist groups and sharing them on social media with the intention to create “disaffection” against the government of India and disrupt public order under the garb of supporting the farmer [...]


JURIST EXCLUSIVE – The latest report from one of our law student correspondents in Myanmar, originally filed in audio Tuesday morning, offering her perspective on Monday’s huge general strike in the country and explaining her goals as a law student supporting a return to democracy. The transcript has been slightly edited for continuity and clarity. [...]


During confirmation hearing on Monday, US Attorney General nominee Merrick Garland spoke out against White supremacy and vowed to keep politics out of his prosecution of the US Capitol attacks that occurred on January 6. Garland stated that he would “begin with people on the ground and work way up to those” involved with the [...]