© WikiMedia (CherryX)

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) announced on Tuesday that Ukraine has lodged an application against Russia alleging breach of right to life through Russia’s State-authorised targeted assassinations of opponents of Russia. Ukraine claims that these assassination operations were performed outside of armed conflict situations against “perceived opponents of the Russian Federation,” in Russia [...]


Mexico’s Attorney General on Tuesday urged lawmakers to strip the Governor of Tamaulipas, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, of his immunity over alleged links to organized crime and money laundering. The leader of the majority in Congress Ignacio Mier Velazco attached a copy of the letter in a recent Twitter post saying that Congress has received [...]


Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) from 31 countries issued an open letter on Wednesday calling for the UN Security Council to institute a global arms embargo against the military regime in Myanmar. A total of 137 organizations have signed on to the letter, ranging from large international organizations and unions like Human Rights Watch and the AFL-CIO [...]


Israel’s Haifa magistrate court on Monday placed a seven-day gag order on the investigation into the source of a huge oil leak that caused Israel’s entire Mediterranean shoreline to be polluted with tar. The order prohibits publishing any details that may identify suspects, vessels, relevant ports, cargo and shipping lines. The court order was passed at [...]

geralt / Pixabay

Wanda Cooper, the mother of Ahmaud Arbery, filed a lawsuit against the Glynn County Police Department and the District Attorney’s office Tuesday on the one-year anniversary of his murder. Arbery was shot while jogging by several vigilantes who had been deputized by police. His name became a rallying cry during the 2020 protests against police [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled Tuesday that Covington Catholic high school students cannot bring harassment claims against comedian Kathy Griffin. On January 18, 2019, a group of Covington Catholic high school students participated in the annual March for Life rally in Washington, DC. Following the rally, the students were involved [...]

© WikiMedia (Tony Webster)

New York resident and peace activist Martin Gugino on Monday filed a civil lawsuit against Buffalo, New York, police after being seriously injured by several officers this past summer. On June 4, Gugino was participating in a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in Niagara Square when members of the city’s militarized Emergency Response Team (ERT) [...]


The Indiana House of Representatives approved legislation Monday that would eliminate handgun licensing in the state. Current Indiana law requires individuals to apply for a handgun license. Individuals must fill out an application, submit their fingerprints and complete local law enforcement agency processing. In 2020, 121,863 applicants were approved. Only 4,495 applicants were rejected. House [...]


The US Treasury on Monday announced new sanctions on two generals behind the recent coup in Myanmar. Maung Maung Kyaw and Moe Myint Tun were added to the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals list, which blocks their assets and prohibits Americans from doing business with them. Other members of this list [...]