JURIST EXCLUSIVE – Tensions mounted in Myanmar early Friday morning Myanmar time as multiple reports circulated of protesters and opponents of the February 1 military coup being arrested on the street and in their homes after midnight. Many protesting doctors and members of the Myanmar Union Election Commission were said to have been taken into [...]

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The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled Tuesday that the Turkish authorities’ refusal to grant detained human rights lawyer, Ramazan Demir, access to certain Internet sites was unjustified under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Demir is a human rights lawyer who recently represented Kurdish politician Selahattin Demirtaş in front of [...]


Five nonprofit legal service organizations sued the presiding judge of the Los Angeles County Superior Court on Tuesday, seeking to prevent the court system from compelling in-person court appearances for traffic and unlawful detainer hearings. The lawsuit, filed by Public Counsel and other legal service groups, asserts that Presiding Judge Kevin Brazile’s order requiring in-person [...]

1778011 / Pixabay

The second day of proceedings in the impeachment trial against former president Donald Trump concluded on Wednesday. Trump is being tried on allegations that his conduct incited the attacks on the US Capitol on January 6. The proceedings continued after the Senate voted 56-44 that they had jurisdiction to try Trump for a second time [...]


Georgia Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has opened a criminal investigation into Donald Trump’s phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Governor Brian Kemp concerning the former president’s request to “find” the votes he needed to win the state. In his January 2 call, Trump made uncorroborated claims about thousands of [...]

jorono / Pixabay

Angola’s revised penal code that not only decriminalizes same-sex relationships but also bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, went into effect on Wednesday. The penal code was approved by the Angolan parliament in 2019 but was not signed into law by President João Lourenço until November 2020 and was scheduled to take effect [...]

geralt / Pixabay

Three student loan borrowers Monday filed a petition to try to force the servicing arm of loan giant Navient into bankruptcy. The three plaintiffs all claim that their own student loan debts were discharged through their own bankruptcies, but they accuse Navient of attempting for the last decade to get them to repay the already-discharged [...]


JURIST EXCLUSIVE – Protests against the February 1 coup that installed a military government in Myanmar continued Wednesday as authorities released most people detained in Tuesday’s large-scale protests in defiance of a military ban on public gatherings. The protests were peaceful. Although police kept a close watch, demonstrations were not broken up with water cannon [...]


Twitter announced Wednesday that it would reimplement restrictions on some Indian accounts following its receipt of a non-compliance notice and threat of legal action by the Indian government. Following legislation passed in September concerning the government’s role in agriculture and state protections for farmers, thousands of farmers have protested. The UN Office of the High Commissioner [...]