JURIST EXCLUSIVE – JURIST law student correspondents in Myanmar Saturday reported multiple instances of miscreants invading neighborhoods at night after curfew in various Myanmar cities, damaging property, threatening citizens and even setting fires. They say that many of these individuals are prisoners released by the military government on Friday who are being sent in to [...]

©Wikimedia (Mehdi Hasan Khan)

In a unanimous decision rendered Thursday by the three-member International Crimes Tribunal of Bangladesh, one person was acquitted, three persons were sentenced to imprisonment till death and five were sentenced to 20 years in prison for committing crimes against humanity during the 1971 Liberation War. The court found each of the eight persons guilty of [...]


JURIST EXCLUSIVE – In a declaration Saturday evening Myanmar time, the Myanmar military government announced that under emergency powers claimed in the wake of its February 1 coup, it was revoking key sections of the country’s citizen privacy law protecting basic freedoms. Among the revoked sections of the Law Protecting the Privacy and Security of [...]

12019 / Pixabay

Former President Trump’s lawyers wrapped up their defense in three hours on Friday, marking the fourth day of the impeachment trial in the Senate. The defense consisted of accusations that the House impeachment managers were taking the ex-president’s statements out of context, and that Trump’s exhortations to his followers to “fight” amounted to little more [...]


China’s National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) announced Friday that BBC World News, the BBC’s worldwide news television service, would be discontinued in China following reports of serious violations under Chinese rules and regulations. Following this ban, Hong Kong’s public broadcaster- Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) pulled the plug on the live relay of BBC [...]

jarmoluk / Pixabay

Several human rights advocates and civil society organisations, including the Asia Internet Coalition (AIC), an association of leading internet and technology companies including Google, Facebook, Twitter among others, issued statements this week against the cyberlaw bill being developed by the new military junta in Myanmar. The bill is due to be implemented and was distributed [...]


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a briefing Friday that the Biden administration has launched a review of the US military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to determine the prison’s fate over the next four years. Psaki told reporters that the administration is considering an executive action to close Guantanamo by the end [...]


The United Nations Human Rights Council Friday adopted a resolution deploring the removal of the democratically elected government of Myanmar by a military coup and called for its restoration. The Council called upon Myanmar’s military, which took control of the country on February 1, to refrain from violence and to protect the human rights of [...]


The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled Thursday that defendants who are facing prolonged incarceration due to COVID-19 trial delays have the right to a new detention hearing if certain requirements are met.    The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Jersey and the Office of the Public Defender brought this case. The New Jersey [...]

© WikiMedia (The White House)

US President Joe Biden issued an executive order Thursday that includes sanctions on Myanmar military officials and their business interests for directing and carrying out the February 1 coup. In the order, Biden stated that “the situation in and in relation to Burma, and in particular the February 1, 2021, coup … constitutes an unusual [...]