A Delhi trial court on Wednesday acquitted journalist Priya Ramani in a criminal defamation case brought by former Union Minister MJ Akbar relating to sexual harassment allegations that Ramani made against him during the 2018 #MeToo movement. Ramani had written an article on sexual harassment for Vogue in 2017 and subsequently had tweeted accusing Akbar [...]

geralt / Pixabay

Facebook on Wednesday barred Australians from seeing or sharing news content on Facebook. The move came in response to the Australian government’s proposed media bargaining law that would force Facebook and Google to pay to use content from Australian media companies. Facebook described its decision to “restrict the availability of news on Facebook in Australia,” [...]

Hermann / Pixabay

The European Commission took the first step in commencing legal proceedings against Hungary on Thursday, following the country’s failure to change a controversial 2017 law requiring foreign-funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to disclose their donors to authorities or face fines. The move comes as a result of Hungary’s failure to repeal its controversial Law on the [...]

nancydowd / Pixabay

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) found in a landmark decision released Wednesday that the Jamaican government is responsible for violating the human rights of two of its nationals within the LGBT community. The Human Dignity Trust (HDT), a charity composed of international lawyers championing LGBT rights, brought the case in 2011 on behalf [...]


A coalition of more than 70 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), faith-based groups and academic institutions called Wednesday on the Biden administration to repeal sanctions against key members of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The coalition’s members include the American Civil Liberties Union, the International Commission of Jurists, the World Organization Against Torture and Parliamentarians for Global [...]

TRAVELKR / Pixabay

The arrest of Spanish rapper Pablo Hasél for allegedly glorifying terrorism and insulting the monarchy sparked protests attended by thousands of persons across Spain on Tuesday. Hasél’s charges are in relation to a series of his tweets and song lyrics. Hasél barricaded himself alongside supporters on Tuesday inside the University of Lleida to avoid his [...]