Hundreds of Democratic Congressional aides on Wednesday sent a public statement urging the US Senate to hold former president Donald Trump accountable for the rioting that occurred at the Capitol building last month. The signatories, many of whom drew upon their “active shooter training” that they received in post-Columbine classrooms, insist that the former president and his “political allies” are responsible for inciting the violent mob that broke the country’s 230-year history of a peaceful transition of power.
They wrote:
Our Constitution only works when we believe in it and defend it. It’s a shared commitment to equal justice, the rule of law, and the peaceful resolution of our differences. Any person who doesn’t share these beliefs has no place representing the American people, now or in the future. The use of violence and lies to overturn an election is not worthy of debate. Either you stand with the republic or against it.
The House impeachment managers delivered a memorandum to the Senate Tuesday that outlined their case. The trial is slated to begin on February 9.
Although the Democratic aides attempted to obtain Republican aide signatures, they were unsuccessful.