The US Supreme Court granted injunctive relief in an order Friday to a group of churches in Santa Clara County, California, who sought to continue holding indoor worship services in spite of COVID-19 bans. Under the Santa Clara County guidelines, “ worship service is categorized by the County as a ‘gathering,’ and gatherings are prohibited. [...]


El Fiscal General de México instó el martes a los legisladores a despojar de su inmunidad al gobernador de Tamaulipas, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, por presuntos vínculos con el crimen organizado y el lavado de dinero. El líder de la mayoría en el Congreso, Ignacio Mier Velazco, adjuntó una copia de la carta en [...]


JURIST EXCLUSIVE – More than 24 people were reported killed in Myanmar Sunday when police cracked down on large demonstrations in multiple cities against the Myanmar military junta that seized power in the country on February 1. Multiple individuals died by live-fire rounds, according to local media and witnesses. Police and protesters engaged in a [...]

Public Domain // Presidential Communications Operations Office

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte signed the COVID-19 Vaccination Program Act of 2021 into law on Friday, giving vaccine makers indemnity if their COVID-19 vaccines cause adverse side effects. Although the number of COVID-19 infections in Philippines is one of the highest in Asia, the Philippines is one of the last Southeastern Asian countries to receive [...]

qimono / Pixabay

The Westminster Magistrates Court, presided by Judge Sam Goozée, ruled Thursday in favor of Nirav Modi’s extradition to India for adjudication of his involvement in the  Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud case. In 2018, billionaire jeweler and designer Nirav Modi was allegedly connected with defrauding India’s second-largest state-run bank of $1.8 billion. The fraud was [...]


JURIST EXCLUSIVE – Myanmar police and soldiers cracked down Sunday against protesters opposing the Myanmar military coup, dispersing peaceful marchers with smoke grenades and bullets in Yangon, and making multiple arrests there and in Mandalay, Myanmar’s second-largest city. In Yangon’s Yankin District, a march of doctors and medical students undertaken as part of the Sunday [...]


JURIST EXCLUSIVE – Law students will join many thousands of other protesters in Myanmar and across the ASEAN countries of the so-called Milk Tea Alliance in mass pro-democracy demonstrations against the Myanmar military coup on Sunday. Among the law students going into the streets in Myanmar are several who have been reporting for JURIST since [...]


Rwanda’s High Court Chamber for International and Cross-border Crimes on Friday ruled that it has jurisdiction to try Paul Rusesabagina, whose actions inspired the film “Hotel Rwanda,” on the charges of terrorism financing, armed robbery, abduction, arson, attempted murder, assault, and battery. During the 1994 genocide, Rusesabagina used his connections and position as hotel manager [...]

© WikiMedia (Tom Morris)

The UK Supreme Court on Friday dismissed Shamima Begum’s request to be allowed to return to the country to appeal the deprivation of her citizenship.  Begum was one of the three schoolgirls who left the UK to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in 2015. In early 2019, the UK secretary of state [...]

© WikiMedia (Theornamentalist)

A judge for the US District Court for the District of Colorado on Friday sentenced white supremacist Richard Holzer to 19.5 years in prison for the federal hate crime of planning to blow up the Temple Emanuel Synagogue in Pueblo, Colorado. Holzer, a self-identifying Neo-Nazi and white supremacist, was arrested in November 2019. His plan to bomb [...]