All federal prisons in the US have been put on lockdown ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 21. The lockdown, announced at midnight on Saturday, was in response to “current events,” according to a statement by the Bureau of Prisons (BOP). The decision was a precautionary one and not in response to any [...]

geralt / Pixabay

Alabama’s policy requiring that transgender people show proof of sex reassignment surgery in order to change the sex designation on their driver’s license was found to be unconstitutional, courts ruled Friday. Under the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s (ALEA) Policy Order 63, transgender individuals could only get a license that accurately reflected their gender after they [...]

andibreit / Pixabay

Hong Kong’s Civil Service Bureau released a notice on Friday, demanding that all civil servants sign a document pledging their loyalty to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (HKSAR). The notice is the latest development in Hong Kong’s ongoing crackdown on opposition, since the promulgation of its national security [...]


The Poland Ministry of Justice on Thursday announced the introduction of the “freedom of speech protection” bill to stop social media platforms from deleting content posted by Polish users or blocking the users if they do not break any Polish laws. The Minister of Justice, Zbigniew Ziobro said: Today, social networking sites themselves decide about [...]

© WikiMedia (대한민국 국군 Republic of Korea Armed Forces)

The Supreme Court of South Korea on Thursday upheld a 20-year prison sentence for former President Park Guen-hye who was convicted on charges of abuse of power, bribery and coercion in 2018. The rejection of Park’s appeal exhausts all legal remedies, leaving open only the option of a special presidential pardon by incumbent President Moon [...]


The National Rifle Association (NRA) announced Friday in a press release that it filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy and will reincorporate in Texas. The association claims that the move is a part of strategic maneuvering for its betterment. This kind of maneuvering is legally permitted when an organization files Chapter 11 bankruptcy. According to the press release, the [...]

READ MORE, Inc. was hit with a nationwide class action lawsuit Thursday in the District Court for the Southern District of New York alleging collusion and illegal price-fixing of e-books with some publishers. The plaintiffs are represented by law firm Hagens Berman that brought a similar case against Apple Inc. in 2011 and is a frequent whistleblower on e-book [...]

© Wikimedia (Razvan Orendovici)

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued an opinion Thursday in its first case heard in the Irish language. The case concerned the scope of the national court’s discretion to grant relief when national law breached EU law. The case involved an EU directive that required veterinary medicinal products to be packaged [...]

zenjeong / Pixabay

The Supreme Court of Canada on Thursday declined to hear the Catholic Church’s appeal against a suit for damages brought by victims of sexual abuse at the Mount Cashel Orphanage in St. John’s Newfoundland. The decision brings finality to the 21-year-long litigation by former students who had suffered sexual abuse by five Brothers from the [...]

© WikiMedia (Tom Morris)

The UK Supreme Court ruled Friday that businesses can receive insurance payouts for losses sustained due to the COVID-19 lockdown. The public health measures mandated by the UK government amidst the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in heavy financial losses to businesses around the country.  Such losses owing to COVID-19 resulted in business owners to make claims on [...]