The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on Wednesday refused to lift an injunction preventing the Trump administration from implementing the new public charge rule, which would make it easier to restrict certain populations from entering the country. The new change is to prevent immigrants from using Medicaid and Food Stamps. A separate [...]


A US Congressional report published on Wednesday is calling for sanctions on China over human rights violations. The report notes violations in many areas, including human trafficking and freedom of expression issues. The report points to a renewed level of religious persecution against Muslims, who are also noted to be one of the groups more [...]

Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

Wireless speaker maker Sonos sued tech giant Google on Tuesday claiming that Google’s recent audio products, including Chromecast Audio, Google Home products and Pixel devices, infringe on Sonos’s patents. The suit states that Sonos and Google worked in collaboration to integrate Sonos’s wireless multi-room audio system with Google Play Music, but “just two years later [...]

geralt / Pixabay

Prosecutors for the Southern District of New York charged Imaad Zuberi, a longtime political donor, with obstruction of justice Tuesday. Zuberi is expected to plead guilty to the charges, according to sources. The charges stem from a $900,000 payment made to the 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC). Prosecutors are specifically alleging that Zuberi gathered outside [...]


The Court of Appeal for Ontario overturned two separate cases Tuesday, citing improper police procedures. The first of these cases was heard in October. It was brought by Peter James McSweeney appealing convictions for possession and distribution of child pornography. McSweeney contended that the trial judge improperly admitted evidence of statements he made before and [...]


On Tuesday the Republican-controlled Wisconsin legislature asked the Federal District Court in Madison to throw out a challenge to the state’s voter purge. The purge is currently being evaluated in the state system. The suit alleges that the manner in which Wisconsin is clearing its voter rolls is unconstitutional. The plaintiffs claim that letters sent [...]

© WikiMedia (Tom Arthur)

Arizona voters’ rights groups and the Arizona Secretary of State reached a settlement agreement on Monday that will link voter registration systems to the Department of Transportation systems. Katie Hobbs, who assumed office as Secretary of State on Wednesday, settled the dispute between her office and several voting rights groups including The League of Women [...]


IKEA has settled a suit with the family of a child who was killed under the weight of a MALM dresser in 2017 for $46 million. The suit filed by Joleen and Craig Dudek alleged that the company had knowledge of at least 113 tip-over incidents, but: Despite this knowledge, intentionally, willfully, wantonly and recklessly [...]

© Wikimedia (Michael J DAmato)

Trump donor, Imaad Zuberi, was charged in federal court Tuesday with obstruction of justice in a federal campaign finance investigation. The investigation centered around the source of the money Zuberi donated to the 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC).  Zuberi made a $900,000 donation to the PIC under the title of his company, Avenue Ventures. However, [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit on Tuesday vacated the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board‘s permit to Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) for the construction of a compressor station in rural Union Hill, Virginia. The petition, submitted by Friends of Buckingham and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, claimed that the board erred in granting [...]