walter688 / Pixabay

Human Rights Watch released its annual World Report on Tuesday, in which, Executive Director Kenneth Roth warned about China’s existential threat to human rights worldwide. “While other governments commit serious human rights violations, no other government flexes its political muscles with such vigor and determination to undermine the international human rights standards and institutions that [...]

© WikiMedia (Michael Coghlan)

Rapper Jay-Z filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Mississippi on behalf of inmates in the state penitentiary. The lawsuit comes in response to inmates’ deaths, which have been happening at an alarming rate. Five inmates have died in the past two weeks and the prison administrators have done nothing to prevent it. Alex Spiro, Jay-Z’s lawyer, [...]

skeeze / Pixabay

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Babb v. Wilkie on Wednesday, a case regarding age discrimination in the workplace. The petitioner Babb alleges that she was discriminated against because of her age, and the Supreme Court must decide if federal employees must prove that age was the “but-for” cause of firing. The attorney [...]

Photo credit: Stephanie Sundier

The US House of Representatives on Wednesday approved seven impeachment managers to prosecute President Donald Trump, sending the proceedings to the Senate. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the names of the seven House Democrats to serve as the impeachment managers earlier Wednesday. These Democrats include Schiff, Jerrold Nadler, Zoe Lofgren, Hakeem Jeffries, Valdez Demings, Jason [...]

© Wikimedia (

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly on Wednesday and proposed constitutional reforms that would weaken the next President of Russia, causing the entire Russian government to resign. Putin also addressed the country’s changing demographics and social issues such as supporting working families. It is speculated that the changes are being made to prepare [...]

RitaE / Pixabay

The Tennessee Senate on Tuesday approved HB 836, a bill that would allow child welfare agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ+ families in adoption proceedings based on “religious or moral convictions or policies.” The bill was approved by the House last April and is awaiting review by Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, who has expressed an intent [...]


Conservation groups sued the Trump administration in federal court on Tuesday for opening up federal lands in California to hydraulic fracturing. Conservation groups including Biological Diversity, National Parks Conservation Association, Natural Resources Defense Council, Patagonia Works, and the Sierra Club claim that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) failed to “adequately analyze the serious environmental [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in two more cases on Tuesday afternoon. In Kelley v. United States, Bridgette Kelly and William Baroni appealed their convictions for violating federal property-fraud laws. Kelly, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s deputy chief of staff, and Baroni, a New York and New Jersey Port Authority official, were [...]

© WikiMedia (Jay Phagan)

Voter rights organizations filed suit in federal court on Tuesday claiming the state of Texas in violation of the National Voter Registration Act because it fails to automatically update voter registration information when a person makes changes to their driver’s license. According to the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), each time a person makes a [...]


Peru’s Constitutional Court declared Tuesday that President Martín Vizcarra’s September 30 closure of Congress was legal. Congress was closed mainly because of Vizcarra’s rocky relationship with them. They attempted to defy him by removing him but ultimately failed when his replacement quit within 36 hours. This lead to the case being taken to court which [...]