© WikiMedia (Dan Scavino)

The Trump administration announced the singing of a new trade deal with China on Wednesday. The treaty covers intellectual property, technology transfer, food and agriculture, and financial services. It also discusses economic policies such as exchange rates and a commitment to expand trade between the US and China. Despite the US’ long opposition to China’s [...]

© WikiMedia (Pinakpani)

The State of Kerala filed a lawsuit against India in the India Supreme Court on Tuesday alleging that the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) violates the constitution. Kerala alleges that the CAA results “in classifications based on religion and based on country, both classifications being apparently and manifestly discriminatory.” Article 14 of the constitution prohibits discrimination [...]

Photo Credit: Stephanie Sundier

The US Government Accountability Office (GAO), an agency tasked with auditing the federal government and the legality of its activities, found Thursday that the freeze on military aid to Ukraine that has been at the center of impeachment proceedings into President Donald Trump was unlawful. The agency’s analysis found that when the Office of Management [...]

johnhain / Pixabay

Maryland federal judge Peter Messitte on Wednesday blocked the Trump administration’s order permitting state and local governments to prevent refugees from settling in their respective communities. The order stated that refugee groups must apply for written consent from their local governments before settling in their areas of choice and was challenged by three immigration advocacy [...]

© WikiMedia (Tom Arthur)

The Supreme Court of Missouri on Tuesday struck down key provisions of a law requiring voters to present photo identification at the polling booths. This 2016 voter ID law made it difficult for disenfranchised groups to vote in the state, as obtaining a valid ID can prove to be a challenge for some individuals. The [...]


Pierre-Claver Ndayicariye, chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Burundi, on Wednesday submitted a report to the parliament of Burundi that his investigation had uncovered more than 4,000 mass graves in the country connected to conflicts since the countries independence in 1962. The exact number of victims is yet to be determined, but so [...]

derwiki / Pixabay

The Guardian reported on Tuesday that the UK has failed to hand over information regarding 75,000 convictions to other EU countries where the perpetrators were from. A computer error that went undiscovered for five years was at fault for the failure to send a third of all records concerning foreigners to other EU members. After [...]

© WikiMedia (SRS2016)

The Virginia General Assembly voted on Wednesday to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the US Constitution. This makes Virginia the thirty-eighth state to ratify the amendment, satisfying the 3/4 majority of states required by Article V of the Constitution. The Amendment passed the House of Delegates by a vote of 59-41 and the [...]

Anfaenger / Pixabay

The UN human rights commission expressed concern Tuesday over the killings of human rights activists in Colombia in 2019. The commission stated that they were “deeply troubled by the staggering number of human rights defenders killed in Colombia during 2019.” The commission noted that there have been between 107 and 120 killings of human rights [...]