© WikiMedia (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)

The US Supreme court declined Tuesday to hear Flint, Michigan, officials’ appeal of a federal court’s decision in favor of Flint Water Crisis residents.  This refusal will allow the earlier decisions that held the city accountable to stand. In May, a federal appeals court upheld a 2017 federal district court’s decision that the city violated [...]


The US Senate gathered on Tuesday afternoon and began the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Before the trial began, House impeachment managers sent a letter to the White House expressing concern over Pat Cipollone serving as an advocate-witness for Trump. After the letter was sent, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) held a [...]

stux / Pixabay

The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Detective Chief Inspector announced Tuesday that the PSNI arrested seven suspects in connection to a £215 international money laundering scheme. The PSNI conducted 15 raids between Monday and Tuesday in five different localities across Northern Ireland. The International Criminal Police Organization and the European Police Force coordinated with [...]

12019 / Pixabay

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed a new law on Tuesday that bans the so-called “gay panic” defense for murder, preventing the reduction of murder to manslaughter committed in the heat of passion under certain circumstances. Both houses of the New Jersey legislature overwhelmingly passed the bill. Under previous law, a homicide that would be [...]

© WikiMedia (Zsoy)

Thailand’s Constitutional Court on Tuesday ruled that key figures of Thailand’s opposition political party, Future Forward, were not guilty of seeking to overthrow the country’s monarchy. The charges were based on social media posts and academic publications made by the members before the party was founded. The members were also charged with being linked with [...]

geralt / Pixabay

US President Donald Trump’s impeachment legal team submitted a 171-page trial memorandum Monday urging his immediate acquittal, arguing that the House articles of impeachment do not identify any impeachable offense. White House Counsel contends that the president did not engage in any unconstitutional or illegal activity, calling the Articles of Impeachment “the product of an [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled on Friday that, for women in female same-sex marriages, Indiana must include the names of both women on the birth certificate of their children. The state argued birth certificate parentage in Indiana is based on biology, not parentage. However, the district court ruled that in [...]