Nikodi / Pixabay

A Dutch district court on Wednesday threw out a civil case against former Israeli Armed Forces chief Benny Gantz citing a lack of jurisdiction. The case was brought by Ismail Ziada, a Dutch Palestinian, who alleges that Gantz is responsible for an airstrike on Gaza in 2014 that killed six of his relatives. The case [...]


Republican lawmakers argued before the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit Wednesday that being compelled to provide certain sensitive documents in a gerrymandering case in Ohio violated the First Amendment. The lawmakers made several arguments in their appeal. First, the lawmakers claimed that “all of the orders issued by the three-judge district court [...]

© WikiMedia (White House)

Defense attorney for US President Donald Trump, Alan Dershowitz, argued during Wednesday’s impeachment trial proceedings that the president’s actions toward reelection were actually done in the interest of the public and should not constitute an impeachable offense. Dershowitz stated that it was logical for a public official to harmonize what is in their own political [...]

© WikiMedia (Alekjds)

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled 2-1 Tuesday that adjunct professors at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, are outside of the jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and the university could therefore not be ordered to bargain with a labor union. Adjunct professors at Duquesne attempted to [...]


Convicted Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof filed an appeal in the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Tuesday asking for his death sentence to be vacated. His attorneys point to the lower court’s error in allowing him to stand trial and be his own defense counsel. They present various reasons as to why [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit Tuesday against five companies and three individuals responsible for hundreds of millions of robocalls in the US. The DOJ alleges that the companies have been warned that they were carrying out fraudulent robocalls but they continued, leading to financial losses for elderly and vulnerable Americans. Two [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit heard oral arguments Tuesday in Intl Refugee Assistance v. Donald Trump, which is centered largely on the travel bans. The plaintiffs in this case argue that, despite the Supreme Court ruling in Trump v. Hawaii, their case is not barred. They argue that the court simply [...]

stevepb / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit on Monday upheld a preliminary injunction preventing the enforcement of an Arkansas campaign-finance law, which the appellee claimed violated her First Amendment rights. Peggy Jones filed a complaint in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas and contended that Ark. Code § 7-6-203(e) [...]

© WikiMedia (The White House)

US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” on Tuesday. The plan notes the long history of conflict between the two states, claiming that it has “grown old the arguments have become [...]