Photo credit: Stephanie Sundier

Senators heard closing arguments from House managers and lawyers for the White House on Monday, two days ahead of the scheduled vote in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Both sides were given two hours to make their final arguments on their opposing conclusions regarding Trump’s interactions with Ukraine ahead of the 2020 general [...]

Photo Credit: Stephanie Sundier

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has in its possession two dozen emails regarding President Donald Trump’s involvement in the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative debacle. The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) filed suit in the US District Court for the District of Columbia on October 30 against [...]

12019 / Pixabay

The Texas Supreme Court on Friday upheld a lower court’s decision to vacate a $500 million judgment because two energy titans had not created a formal partnership. Energy Transfer Partners, LP (ETP) sued Enterprise Products Partners, LP in 2011 after efforts to collaborate on the creation of reversing of a pipeline from Cushing, OK, to [...]


Amnesty International on Monday urged participants in a mining conference in South Africa to address human rights violations. African Mining Indaba, a conference centered on promoting the furtherance of the mining industry in Africa, is set to run from Monday through Thursday, but several civil organizations, including Amnesty, are holding their own conference for the [...]

© WikiMedia (Bertel Schmitt)

Japanese officials issued a warrant Thursday for three men suspected of smuggling former Nissan chairman, Carlos Ghosn, from Japan. Among the three suspects is Michael Taylor, a former US Green Beret. These warrants follow after Japan issued a warrant for Ghosn and his wife in early January. Japan arrested the former Nissan executive in November [...]

Atlantios / Pixabay

In 2017 the Department of the Interior Solicitor’s Office released Opinion M-37050 which challenges the current interpretation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA).  As such, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is reevaluating current practices of criminalizing companies that accidentally kill migrating birds during the scope of their business. The opinion states that the [...]


The California Senate voted on Thursday to reject SB50, rejecting an effort to substantially increase available housing. SB50 acknowledged, among other issues, that California’s housing has created a unfilled backlog, an increase in pricing, and “premature and unnecessary development of agricultural lands for urban uses” which has “adverse effects on the availability of those lands [...]


President Trump signed an executive order on Friday directing US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to take several steps designed to curtail the flow of counterfeit goods into the United States. The order acknowledged that “E-commerce… is being exploited by traffickers to introduce contraband into the United States, and by foreign exporters and United States [...]


The United States Senate on Friday voted down a motion to consider witnesses and documents in President Trump’s impeachment trial. The vote fell primarily along party lines. While all Senate Democrats voted in favor of the measure, they were joined by two Republicans. Senators Susan Collins and Mitt Romney defected from their party to vote [...]


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced yesterday that President Trump had signed a proclamation adding travel restrictions to six more countries, effectively barring potential immigrants from these six countries from entering the United States. The identified countries are Nigeria, Eritrea, Tanzania, Sudan, Kyrgyzstan and Myanmar. In the statement, DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf said [...]