© WikiMedia (Riggwelter)

The Paris Court of Appeals fined the Vice President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodorin Obiang, $32.9 million on Monday. Obiang, the son of the long sitting President of the country, was found guilty back in 2017 but his three-year jail sentence and $32.9 million fine were suspended after a long investigation and contentions over what property [...]

Wallula / Pixabay

The High Court of Australia ruled Tuesday that Aboriginal Australians cannot be deported even if they do not hold Australian citizenship. In a 4-3 decision the court stated that “Aboriginal Australians … are not within the reach of the ‘aliens’ power conferred by s 51(xix) of the Constitution.” The case surrounded two Aboriginal men born [...]


The transitional government of Sudan said Tuesday that it would hand over ex-president Omar al-Bashir to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to stand trial on charges of genocide and war crimes. The ICC issued two arrest warrants for al-Bashir, one in 2009 on two counts of war crimes and five counts of [...]

© WikiMedia (Shukran888)

A Chinese official announced Monday the China legislature will amend their wildlife protection law this year. The recent coronavirus outbreak is suspected to be related to wildlife, and the amendment to the law will be an attempt to fight the outbreak. This comes less than two weeks after US President Donald Trump declared a public [...]

skeeze / Pixabay

At a UN press briefing on Tuesday, Jens Laerke of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) stated that some 700,000 people have been displaced in Syria over the last 10 weeks. The fast-growing number of fleeing people is a result of the Syrian government pushing north toward Turkey in an attempt to [...]

© WikiMedia (Sembol)

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced lawsuits Monday against several local and state governments in California, New Jersey and Washington over a private prison ban and laws the administration claims shelter undocumented immigrants. In California, the DOJ is challenging AB 32, which outlaws private detention facilities in the state of California. The DOJ claims [...]

© WikiMedia (Charlotte Cooper)

Planned Parenthood of Maryland and the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit Tuesday to block a Trump administration rule they claim is designed to make insurance companies stop covering abortions. According to the filing, the Separate-Billing Rule will lead to an increase in premiums, narrow what is covered by health insurance plans and inadvertently cancel [...]

© WikiMedia (formulanone)

The West Virginia Senate approved the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act Monday.  HB4007, mandates that doctors preserve the life of a baby born during a failed abortion. Physicians who fail to preserve such lives would be subjected to losing their medical licenses. This bill considers a baby “born alive” as the following: “Born alive” [...]


All four federal prosecutors working on the case against Donald Trump’s associate Roger Stone resigned Tuesday following a row over sentencing recommendations. The prosecutors filed a sentencing memorandum Monday requesting that Stone be given seven to nine years in prison. The requested sentence fell within the statutory guidelines for Stone’s crimes; he was convicted last [...]

© Wikimedia (Ludovic Bertron)

Texas filed an original action in the US Supreme Court Monday to overturn California’s ban on state-funded travel to a list of 11 states—including Texas—that have adopted policies that California has deemed discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation or gender. California Assembly Bill 1887, enacted in 2016 and expanded in 2017, bans state-funded or [...]