andibreit / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled Wednesday that the Florida legislature’s changes to the state’s signature match voting law nullify the challenge brought by Bill Nelson regarding his run for US Senate. Nelson, along with the Florida Democratic Executive Committee, challenged Florida’s law which detailed the process for rectifying mismatched voter [...]


The German Cabinet on Wednesday approved a bill that would require major social media platforms to report hate speech to the police. Under the current legislation, the 2018 Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG), platforms such as Facebook are obliged to remove illegal content within 24 hours, otherwise they would be faced with fines up to 50 [...]


Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the US District Court for the District of Columbia on Thursday sentenced Roger Stone, a longtime associate of President Donald Trump, to 40 months in prison. Stone was convicted last year of witness tampering and giving false statements to Congress in relation to investigations of Russian election interference. The circumstances [...]

Kibi86 / Pixabay

The International Criminal Court (ICC) unanimously on Wednesday rejected an appeal by Al Hassan, an Islamic militant from Mali, that his charges were not severe enough to justify action in the ICC. According to a judgment summary, the court found that there was sufficient initial validity for the charges of war crimes and crimes against [...]

© WikiMedia (Berardo62)

A federal judge issued an order Tuesday allowing a case filed by South Carolina against the Trump administration over seismic testing for offshore oil exploration to proceed. Judge Richard Gergel dismissed several of South Carolina’s legal arguments but allowed the case to proceed under their claim that Trump’s executive order authorizing the exploration exceeded his [...]


Sri Lanka’s Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa announced Wednesday that his country will withdraw from co-sponsorship of a 2015 UN resolution which sought to investigate war crimes committed on the island during the country’s civil war. It is believed the move is a response to the US imposing a travel ban on Sri Lanka’s army commander [...]

Tumisu / Pixabay

Mexico’s lower house of Congress, the Chamber of Deputies, on Tuesday approved a proposal to amend the Federal Criminal Code and increase punishments for the crimes of femicide and sexual abuse of minors. The Chamber of Deputies proposal would increase the maximum prison sentence for femicide from 60 years to 65 years, and it would [...]


US officials announced Tuesday that Mexican citizen Hector Alejandro Cabrera Fuentes was arrested in Miami, Florida, for allegedly spying on the US government on behalf of Russia. Fuentes was allegedly recruited by the Russian government in 2019 and asked to rent a specific property in Miami-Dade County. He was told to do this under an [...]

© WikiMedia (Tom Arthur)

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled Wednesday that Florida cannot bar felons from registering to vote for failing to pay all fines and fees associated with their cases. In 2018 Florida voters approved Amendment 4, which would automatically restore voting rights to ex-felons who had completed all the terms of their [...]

© WikiMedia (Hauortrees)

The Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) of the US State Department announced Tuesday that five Chinese state-run media organizations will be designated as foreign missions, including the Xinhua News Agency; China Global Television Network, which falls under China Central Television, CCTV; China Radio International; China Daily Distribution Corporation; and Hai Tian Development USA, which is [...]