© WikiMedia (Kjetil Ree)

The US Supreme Court granted certiorari in three cases Monday, including a challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) individual mandate. In California v. Texas, consolidated with Texas v. California, the court will hear arguments on the ACA to determine (1) whether the individual mandate to purchase minimum essential coverage is severable from the remainder [...]

Photo by Gage Skidmore

Ken Cuccinelli’s appointment as the acting director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) was ruled unlawful on Sunday by a federal judge for the United States District Court of Columbia. Judge Randolph Moss cited the appointments clause in Article II of the Constitution in his opinion, stating that the clause requires that any principal [...]

© WikiMedia (Tomascastelazo)

Three groups filed suit against the Trump administration on Friday in federal court over the administration’s use of funds allocated to the Department of Defense for border wall construction. The Trump administration has announced its plan to use $3.6 billion in military construction funds and $2.5 billion in other military funds for wall construction. The [...]

ArmyAmber / Pixabay

The US announced on Saturday that it has agreed to terms with the Taliban to end the 19-year war in Afghanistan. In the peace agreement, the US has promised to decrease troop presence in Afghanistan. In exchange, the Taliban has agreed to sever all ties with international terror groups. The US will surveil Taliban compliance [...]

© WikiMedia (Jay Phagan)

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a lawsuit on Thursday that sought to require Arizona’s governor to call a special special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Republican Martha McSally. John McCain was reelected to the U.S. Senate for a 6th term in 2016. However, soon after his reelection, McCain [...]

© WikiMedia (Wyn Van Devanter)

The DC Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed on Friday the dismissal of a lawsuit against the Trump Hotel. In 2017, a DC wine bar, K&D LLC (“Cork”), filed an unfair competition suit claiming that President Donald Trump’s luxury hotel in Washington, DC unfairly impedes on the business of other city venues. Cork’s complaint alleges that [...]

StockSnap / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Friday ruled against the Trump administration’s immigration policy. Specifically, the court struck down both a program that would force migrants seeking asylum to wait in Mexico and a rule that would severely limit the number of migrants eligible for asylum. In the year since this [...]

© WikiMedia (Tomas Castelazo)

A federal district court in Washington state on Thursday permanently enjoined the Trump administration from diverting funds meant for a submarine base in the state toward construction of the wall at the US-Mexico border. In February last year, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2019 (CAA), which provided $1.375 billion for building a border [...]


The US District Court for the Northern District of Ohio ruled Thursday that the Lake Erie Bill of Rights is “invalid in its entirety.” Lake Erie has been subject to algal blooms over the last several years, which can release toxins into the water and cause serious health problems for people who drink that water. [...]

© WikiMedia (Tom Arthur)

The Wisconsin District IV Appeals Court on Thursday reversed the Ozaukee County Circuit Court’s ruling that ordered more than 200,000 names struck from the rolls because the individuals may have moved. In 2015 the Wisconsin legislature directed the Wisconsin Elections Commission to enter into an agreement with the Electronic Registration Information Center, Inc. (ERIC), a [...]