Two migrants rights groups sued the US on Tuesday in an effort to stop the deportation of three children to El Salvador. The Capital Area Immigrants Rights Coalition and the Justice Action Center filed suit in the US District Court for the District of Columbia on behalf of three minor children who are facing deportation to [...]

© WikiMedia (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

US President Donald Trump signed into law the COVID-19 bipartisan relief package on Wednesday. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides sick leave and expanded safety net spending. Another key feature of the bill is providing free testing for COVID-19. The Act provides paid sick leave for any employees asked to self-quarantine, diagnosed with COVID-19, [...]

Photo Credit: Stephanie Sundier

US President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that his administration would be suspending all evictions and foreclosures through the end of April to ease people’s concerns during the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, he activated the Defense Production Act, which was established in the 1950s and used during wartime. It allows the president to force American businesses [...]

© WikiMedia (Michal Klajban)

New Zealand’s parliament approved a bill Wednesday easing restrictions on abortion. The bill decriminalizes abortion, removing the abortion procedure from the Crimes Act 1961. It also provides that “ qualified health practitioner may provide abortion services to a woman who is not more than 20 weeks pregnant.” For women who are more than 20 weeks [...]

© WikiMedia (Justin Trudeau – Prime Minister of Canada)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced additional economic measures on Wednesday to help Canadians affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic. These measures build on actions that have been taken since the beginning of the outbreak. As part of the Canadian government’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, up to $27 billion will be used in direct support [...]


Maryland lawmakers gave final approval on Monday to a bill that requires all purchasers of rifles and shotguns to submit to background checks. State law already requires buyers to undergo a federal background check through the NICS Index when purchasing rifles from licensed dealers. The bill extends that requirement to private sales and permanent gifts. [...]


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) implemented new boat restrictions on water east of Boston on Monday to protect migrating North Atlantic right whales. NOAA announced a new voluntary vessel speed restriction zone after North Atlantic right whales were spotted 18 nautical miles east of Boston. The whales are currently migrating along the Atlantic [...]


The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals delayed the execution of John William Hummel on Monday due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The execution was scheduled for Wednesday, but the court determined that “the execution should be stayed at the present time in light of the current health crisis and the enormous resources needed to address that [...]

geralt / Pixabay

Former US congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) was sentenced to 11 months in prison on Tuesday for stealing $250,000 in campaign funds. The theft of the funds continued for almost a decade. The judge denied Hunter’s request to serve part of his sentence in home confinement, citing the continuous nature of the theft. During that time, the [...]