Pexels / Pixabay

The Federal Reserve announced on Monday it is taking several steps to enhance access to credit and liquidity for consumers, municipalities, and small and large businesses. In its statement, the Federal Reserve said, “While great uncertainty remains, it has become clear that our economy will face severe disruptions. Aggressive measures must be taken across the [...]

skeeze / Pixabay

The Pacific Gas and Electric Company and the PG&E Corporation filed a motion on Friday with California bankruptcy court for a more expansive plan for reorganization to ensure that it is capable of paying its creditors in a timely fashion. New aspects to their plan include bringing in an observer to monitor the company for [...]


Senate Democrats blocked the coronavirus economic rescue package on Sunday because the package favored corporations and did not do enough to support aid individuals facing unemployment and loss of income. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was introduced by Senate Republicans on Thursday. The CARES Act was estimated to inject nearly [...]

padrinan / Pixabay

Ohio Governor DeWine and Louisiana Governor Edwards are the most recent to issue a statewide “stay at home” order Sunday. Both states are ordering residents to stay home and only leave for essential services such as retrieving groceries or medication. These states are among multiple that have issued similar orders during the COVID-19 outbreak. Ohio’s [...]


The Department of Justice (DOJ) asked Congress to grant the US Attorney General emergency powers to ask federal judges to pause court proceedings during the COVID-19 pandemic according to a POLITICO report Saturday. Federal judges already have the power to pause court proceedings in their individual courts during emergencies. However, the DOJ contends that this [...]

3844328 / Pixabay

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or CARES Act was introduced by Senate Republicans on Thursday in an effort to combat the economic impacts that our nations is feeling from coronavirus. The current proposal has sections providing for loan guarantees to impacted businesses, direct cash payments, increased testing, and vaccine development resources. The [...]


The president of Uzbekistan signed legislation on Friday granting citizenship to some stateless persons within its borders. There are over 97,000 stateless persons residing in Uzbekistan, the majority of whom were left stateless by the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The new citizenship bill signed by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev would grant citizenship to [...]

geralt / Pixabay

Lawmakers in Chile on Thursday agreed to postpone a nationwide referendum on a new constitution amid concerns about the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. President Sebastian Pinera signed a law last December scheduling a national referendum on a new constitution following months of protests. The vote was set for April 26, but the ministry of [...]


India executed on Friday four men convicted of the 2012 rape and murder of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student. The student, who became known to the media as Nirbhava, or the fearless one, was brutally beaten and raped by the four men on a bus in 2012. She and a male friend were both beaten and [...]

Thisabled / Pixabay

Federal Interior Minister of Germany Horst Seehofer dissolved and banned the “United German Peoples and Tribes” organization, as well as its sub-group “Osnabruck Landmark” on Thursday for its racism and anti-Semitism. Minister Seehofer stated: We are dealing with an association that disseminates racist and anti-Semitic writings and thus systematically poisons our free society. Verbal militancy [...]