The US Senate announced early Wednesday morning that it has reached a deal for a $2 trillion dollar coronavirus relief and economic stimulus package. Early Wednesday morning, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) took to the Senate floor to announce that they had reached a bipartisan deal. “At last, [...]

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The EU agreed Tuesday that it would begin membership negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. The European Affairs Ministers met via video conference led by the Croatian European Affairs Minister, Andreja Metelko-Zgombic. During the conference, the Affairs Ministers agreed to pursue the membership negotiations with the two countries. Metelko-Zgombic stated, “It was my great pleasure [...]


In a brief per curiam order issued Monday, Pennsylvania’s top court dismissed a recent complaint over the scope of Governor Tom Wolf’s executive order shuttering non-essential businesses to slow the spread of COVID-19. The lawsuit had been filed by a gun store owner and a gun buyer, contesting that selling firearms was an essential constitutional [...]

© WikiMedia (Michael Coghlan)

Amnesty International and Justice Project Pakistan (JPP) shared concerns Tuesday on overcrowded Pakistani prisons amid the COVID-19 outbreak. The report specifically mentioned a prisoner that tested positive for COVID-19 after being arrested in Italy. Italy deported the prisoner to Pakistan, and Pakistan placed the prisoner among 3,500 uninfected inmates in a jail barracks. Authorities eventually [...]

© WikiMedia (Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil)

UN Secretary-General António Guterres called Monday for “an immediate global ceasefire in all corners of the world.” The stark language comes in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has dramatically altered life in nations the world over, including many engaged in ongoing armed conflicts. The UN leader characterized the virus as a problem faced [...]

© WikiMedia (US State Department)

The Israeli Supreme Court on Sunday intervened against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s alleged attempt to seize power under the guise of combating COVID-19. The Supreme Court ordered Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein to put forth a motion in Parliament. Edelstein refused to hold a vote because it would likely lead to his removal and lead to [...]

© WikiMedia (Governor Tom Wolf)

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf issued stay-at-home order for six counties on Monday in response to COVID-19. The order began Monday at 8 PM and will continue until April 6, 2020. The six counties affected are Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Monroe, Montgomery and Philadelphia. “To protect the public from the spread of … COVID-19[], it is [...]


Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed a bill on Monday to repeal the death penalty in the state for any defendant convicted of a Class 1 felony. The bill will take effect for anyone convicted after July 1, 2020. While the bill itself did not commute the sentences of the three men serving death sentences at [...]