TryJimmy / Pixabay

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied a request by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to order the release from county jails certain classes of persons in response to possible covid-19 outbreaks. The ACLU had filed an application for relief under the court’s King’s Bench jurisdiction, which would allow the court to decide an issue that [...]

© WikiMedia (Banej)

3M Corporation released a statement Friday morning suggesting it may not comply with a Trump administration request that it cease exporting N95 respirators to Canada and Latin America. On Thursday the president issued a memorandum ordering the company to prioritize orders from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the respirators. The memorandum formally invoked [...]


Kentucky Circuit Court judges on Tuesday ordered at least four COVID-19 patients to wear GPS ankle monitors for allegedly breaking self-isolation orders. The first order was issued after a patient broke self-quarantine to shop on March 21. On March 27, Judge Charles Cunningham ordered two relatives to wear ankle monitors after one tested positive and [...]

ParentRap / Pixabay

Federal District Judge of the Southern District of Ohio Eastern Division, Michael H. Watson dismissed a complaint that was filed on Monday by voting rights groups declaring that the states’ new primary vote plan violates the National Voter Registration Act and the First and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. The lawsuit stemmed from the Ohio [...]


The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sent letters to each member of Congress on Thursday to defend its March 26decision to refrain from penalizing companies that do not monitor pollution during the COVID-19 pandemic. The EPA announced a temporary policy decision on March 26 that it will not seek penalties for noncompliance with routine monitoring [...]


A judge for the US District Court for the Southern District of New York dismissed class action lawsuit Friday against Major League Baseball, the Houston Astros and the Boston Red Sox. The plaintiffs are five individuals who participated in fantasy baseball contests through DraftKings Inc. The plaintiffs alleged the defendants’ practices of sign-stealing deceived and [...]


The Taipei prison executed death row inmate Weng Jen-hsien on Wednesday after the Supreme Court convicted him of killing six people. Rights groups condemned the execution, stating the death penalty is a human rights violation and should be abolished. Weng was convicted of killing his parents, niece, nephew, nephew’s wife and his parents’ caregivers after setting [...]

Anfaenger / Pixabay

The UN General Assembly on Thursday unanimously agreed to a resolution urging international cooperation to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the first resolution the assembly adopted since the outbreak. The resolution calls on international cooperation to “contain, mitigate and defeat the pandemic, including by exchanging information, scientific knowledge and best practices and by applying the [...]


A three-judge panel for the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled Thursday that the state of Mississippi may stand trial for violating the Mississippi Readmission Act, which calls for “a uniform system of free public schools.” The plaintiffs in this lawsuit are four African-American mothers whose children attend public schools in Mississippi. [...]