A federal district judge issued an injunction Tuesday against Arkansas’ COVID-19 outbreak abortion restrictions. On April 3, the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) issued a directive that banned abortion as an elective procedure in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The governor then ordered that violation of the ADH directive would be a misdemeanor and providers [...]

© WikiMedia (MarkBuckawicki)

The Kentucky legislature used their supermajority Tuesday to override the governor’s veto on a voter ID bill. The law will be effective for the 2020 general election, but not the primary elections to be held in June. Senate Bill 2 requires that Kentuckians show proof of identification to the poll clerk before casting a ballot. [...]


In a 2-1 decision delivered Tuesday, the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit denied a writ of mandamus from Courtney Wild, one of the survivors of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking and child abuse. Wild submitted her petition arguing that the negotiations of federal prosecutors to enter a non-prosecution agreement (NPA) with Epstein in [...]

© WikiMedia (dvsross)

Burning Man Project filed a complaint against the US Department of the Interior Sunday to block the release of financial records. Burning Man claims that the release of the records should not be allowed because it falls under exception 4 of the Freedom of Information Act, which makes them exempt from release. The complaint explains [...]

MiraCosic / Pixabay

The Board of Trustees of the State of California announced Tuesday their proposed recommendations to the California Supreme Court regarding both the July 2020 Bar Exam and the June 2020 First Year Law Exam. The Board plans to propose two possible scenarios to the California Supreme Court. Under the first scenario, the First Year Law [...]

amrothman / Pixabay

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday confirmed an announcement he made last week: The US will halt funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) while the country reviews the organization’s conduct. During a coronavirus update, the president stated, “I am instructing my administration to halt funding of the World Health Organization while a review is [...]


Federal District Court Judge George Hazel in Maryland ruled on Monday that the Department of Agriculture violated regulatory law when it decided in 2018 to reverse course on nutrition standards for meals in public schools. The 2018 rule, initiated by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, reneged on some of the more stringent nutrition standards the agency [...]

jorono / Pixabay

The El Salvador Legislative Assembly extended its COVID-19 state of emergency law Sunday by a 68-12 vote despite human rights concerns. The extension is effective until April 16. The state of emergency law allows the El Salvador government to detain those who violate lockdown orders. This provision has concerned human rights groups. According to the [...]

© WikiMedia (Samantha)

Federal authorities filed suit Friday against Utah and Utah officials for fraudulently using federal grant money. The US is suing Utah officials working in criminal justice, juvenile services, internet crimes investigations and public safety. The federal government claims breach of contract and that Utah violated the False Claims Act. The US Attorney alleges that Utah [...]

AJEL / Pixabay

More than one million Wisconsin voters approved a constitutional amendment altering state law to protect alleged victims of crime in a historic election, according to Monday results. The amendment, known as Marsy’s Law, was supported by 76 percent of voters after being approved overwhelmingly by Wisconsin’s legislature in May 2019. Marsy’s law now covers nearly [...]