The US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled Tuesday that Michigan is allowed under the Twenty-first Amendment to impose separate regulations on out-of-state alcohol retailers. This includes a ban on direct alcohol shipments to consumers. Michigan recently amended its Liquor Control Code to allow in-state retailers to deliver directly to consumers through state-licensed [...]

© WikiMedia (C-SPAN)

US Attorney General William Barr said in an interview on Tuesday that the Department of Justice (DOJ) might consider taking legal action against states that go too far in restrictions to stop the spread of COVID-19. When faced with “a potential catastrophe,” the government can deploy measures and put temporary, reasonable restrictions on rights if [...]

© WikiMedia (Miosotis Jade)

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Chipotle Mexican Grill agreed on Tuesday to pay a $25 million fine and enter a deferred prosecution agreement to resolve foodborne related illness outbreak charges. “This case highlights why it is important for restaurants and members of the food services industry to ensure that managers and employees [...]


The US Senate on Tuesday approved a new $480 billion coronavirus relief bill that includes additional funds for small businesses and hospitals short of supplies. This bill follows a $2 trillion stimulus that Congress passed on March 25. This stimulus provided low-interest loans to small businesses along with corporate bailouts and $1,200 to eligible-to-work Americans [...]

Foto-Rabe / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled Tuesday that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should take into account pulp mill toxins such as mercury, dioxin and more in setting emissions standards. The lawsuit between the Louisiana Environmental Action Network and the EPA was hinged primarily on whether it was “necessary” [...]

Couleur / Pixabay

The state of Missouri filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against the Chinese government and its top institutions, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Emergency Management and the People’s Government of Wuhan City, over their role in the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. The lawsuit states that Missouri is seeking recovery for “the [...]

russmac / Pixabay

Bipartisan senators on the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee on Tuesday announced two pieces of legislation that would invest $19.5 billion into improving the country’s water infrastructure. The America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2020 (AWIA 2020) looks to provide improvements to the rivers and harbors of the US, to the conservation and development [...]


Amnesty International released a global report on the judicial use of death sentences and executions Monday, finding that death sentences decreased worldwide last year. The report includes 20 countries and covers January to December of 2019. Overall, confirmed executions decreased by 5 percent from 2018. In 2019 there were approximately 657 executions. Amnesty explained this [...]

qimono / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld Texas’ COVID-19 pandemic abortion ban Monday. The ban includes medication-induced abortions. Texas has banned the abortions citing concerns over the procedures causing a personal protection equipment (PPE) shortage during the COVID-19 crisis. Texas Governor Greg Abbot issued Executive Order GA-09 on March 22, 2020. The [...]


The US Supreme court granted certiorari Monday for a case concerning whether accessing authorized computer information for improper purposes is a crime. The case, Van Buren v. United States, involves police sergeant Nathan Van Buren of Cumming, Georgia. Van Buren contacted a local man associated with criminal activity for a personal loan. In a sting [...]