The White House

President Trump signed a fourth coronavirus relief bill on Friday following its passage by the House of Representatives. The bill, H.R. 266, The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, provides an additional $484 billion in emergency supplemental funding for programs aimed at buoying up businesses hit by the pandemic, as well as money [...]

Kim Traynor

The parliament of Scotland introduced a bill on Friday to modernize hate crimes laws, including a section that would abolish the crime of blasphemy. The purpose of the proposed legislation is “to modernise, consolidate and extend existing hate crime law,” updating the list of protected characteristics, including for the first time adding age to the [...]

Tumisu / Pixabay

The First Circuit ruled on Friday that “women unable to leave a domestic relationship” are a group eligible for asylum applications and cancellation of removal proceedings. The court’s opinion overturned a rule finalized under former Attorney General Jeff Sessions in 2018 that required the category of membership to be defined in separate terms from the [...]


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled on Thursday that Detroit students at under-performing schools have the fundamental right to a basic minimum education. Students from five of the city’s lowest-performing public schools brought the suit against Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth [...]

© WikiMedia (Cédric Puisney)

The European Court of Justice Advocate General said Thursday that four migrants are being illegally detained on the Serbian-Hungarian border in an area called Röszke. The migrants in the case are an Afghan couple and an Iranian man and his son. Both sets of migrants arrived to Hungary in 2019. They applied for asylum, and the Hungarian [...]

TBIT / Pixabay

The Oregon Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that campaign contribution limits do not violate Article I, Section 8 of the Oregon Constitution—Oregon’s free speech provision. Chief Justice Martha Walters considered three sections of the Multnomah County Code (§§ 5.200-03). These sections address campaign contribution limits, independent expenditure limits and disclosure rules. First, Walters explained campaign [...]

© WikiMedia (U.S. Customs and Border Control)

A federal judge on Thursday ordered US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to reduce the number of detainees in their Adelanto Processing Center in Los Angeles due to COVID-19 concerns. The injunction requires ICE to lower the number of detainees so that they can keep six feet of distance between detainees at all times. They [...]


A federal judge granted an injunction Thursday blocking California law that required background checks for all ammunition purchases. The judge granted the injunction stating that the law placed an undue burden on the plaintiffs, violating their Second Amendment rights. The Safety For All Act forces people to purchase ammunition exclusively from licensed dealers and face [...]

1778011 / Pixabay

The US House of Representatives passed a $480 billion dollar bill (HR 266) Thursday to assist small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill was passed by the Senate on Tuesday and will now move on to be signed by President Donald Trump. The bill amends the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was originally passed [...]